Sick again

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A/N Requested by Barbemeli   :) 

-story begins here- 

Peter sat in his bed, eyebrows scrunched together as he groaned, the loud beeping of his alarm filling his ears. School again. 

Peter didn't want to go today, at all, for he had Mr Wither that day, a teacher who for some reason had a grudge against Peter, taking every chance he got to criticise Peter, or tell him off for doing something wrong. 

Maybe, he thought, he could pretend to be sick. Auntie Tasha and Uncle Bucky were away for the week, so they wouldn't notice... a smug grin slid onto his face. 

So he sat up and got to work, using the steps from the really old movie he had seen- Ferris Buelers day off. 

First, he went to the bathroom and put on some makeup to make his eyes look baggy, then messed up his hair and used a little of Pepper's foundation to make his face look slightly pale. He trudged out to the kitchen where everyone was eating their breakfast, trying to make himself look extra tired and sick, one hand on his stomach.

"Morning Peter." Tony said, handing him a bowl of cereal. 

"Morning dad..." Peter mumbled, sitting on the chair furthest away from everyone and eating slowly, only a couple of mouthfuls, eventually leaving the bowl and resting his head in his hands. 

Steve, who was eating Vegemite on toast (an australian spread he had grown rather fond of) stood up, eyebrows furrowed in concern. 

"You okay Peter?" He asked, resting the back of his hand on Peter's forehead. 

"Yeah, I just have a stomach ache." Peter closed his eyes for more effect, one hand going to his stomach. 

"Why don't you go back to bed, I'll call up the school." Tony said gently. 

"But what about Ned? I can't leave him-"

"Ned'll Be okay one day without you. Go to bed." Vision interupted. 

Peter nodded tiredly and stood up, trudging back to his bedroom, where he laid back down in bed and pretended to go to sleep. He made sure to keep his hand on his stomach, and bit back a smile. 

That was surprisingly easy, he thought, already starting to drift off. 

The door opened, and in came Steve, sitting on the bed beside him. 

"Auntie Tasha and Bucky are coming home early from their mission, so you'll get to have Bucky hugs again." He whispered. 

Peter froze. Oh no. He was so screwed. 

Instead of freaking out like he currently wanted to, Peter just went 'mmhmm,' in order to keep up the act. Internally, he was panicking. They would take one look at him and know he was faking. 

"You get some sleep Peter, I'll start making some chicken soup." 

Chicken soup was always Steve's go-to when people were sick, thinking it made everyone better. It did taste good though, Peter would give it that. 

Once the door was closed after him, Peter pulled out his phone, pulling the blankets over his head just in case. 

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<im fake sicking and they all believe it but Auntie Tasha and Grandma Bucky r on their way home and theyre not going to buy it 

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