Another young Peter

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A/N Requested by iamKhrfan :) sorry if anyone's getting sick of young Peter chapters, this will probably be the last one unless someone thinks of another one or something. Happy reading!


"Are you ready Peter?" Tony called, standing by the elevator, keys in hand. 

"Yep!" Peter's voice replied from his bedroom, quickly followed by a loud crash and the sound of tumbling. 

Tony frowned, because he didn't hear Peter's voice yell; "I'm okay!" at the end of the crash, like normal. 

"Are you okay Peter?" 

"Yep!" Peter called, sounding like he was struggling. A couple of seconds later, he stumbled in, his large backpack bumping against the back of his legs. His teddy was tucked under his arm, and his brown curls was a mess. The wiggles bandaid was evident on his tiny nose, hiding his most recent injury caused by running face first into a wall. How he did it, nobody knew. 

Tony smiled when Peter came to a delayed stop beside him, almost smacking into his legs but stopping just in time. 

"Let's go then Peter," he told him, enclosing Peter's small hand in his own. They were heading to shield to pick up the majority of the avengers, because they had caught a quintet there, and the rest had another car. 

Peter sat in the back of the car, in his car seat, playing with his avengers figurines. AC/DC blasted through the speakers, which Tony mouthed along to. He had his classic sunglasses on, and Peter wore his own pair, which kept slipping down his nose. 

It didn't take too long to arrive at the spot they were supposed to pick the others up, everyone clambering into the dark van. Peter didn't look up from where he was still playing with the figurines, having all the avengers destroy a blobby looking thing Peter had made out of clay in kindy. He even threw a hotwheels car across the van, but Clint quickly caught it before it hit Tony and caused a crash. 

"Peter, what have I told you about throwing things in the car?" Tony told him sternly. Peter lowered his arms, one holding hulk and the other holding ironman. 

"Don't do it," Peter replied quietly, lowering his eyes to the floor, swinging his legs slightly. 

"Exactly. What do you say?"

"Sorry daddy." 

"Apology accepted." Tony went back to driving, quiet conversations taking up the silence of the car, along with the sounds of crying for help and explosions and deep voices saying 'it's okay ma'am' coming from Peter.

Soon Peter grew bored and turned to Thor beside him. 

"Can you play with me Uncle Thor?" He asked, using his puppy dog eyes, biting his lip hopefully. 

"Of course young Peter, son of Stark." Thor said, swivelling in his seat. Peter happily handed him the Thor figurine, and the Hulk figurine. 

"Ahh! Help me! Dr Tickles has stolen me!" Peter said in a highpitched voice, holding his teddy at the top of the nearby seat. He lowered his voice until it was inhumanely deep. "Don't worry, we'll save you, we're the avengers!" He held Captain America at the same time, evidently showing he was the one saying this. 

"You can't get past me! I am Dr Tickles!" The clay blob thing was pushed into Captain America, who suddenly started laughing loudly. 

"Noooooo! Run for your lives!" 

Thor pushed forward his Thor figurine. "Don't worry Steve! I'll save you! I'll vanquish this mighty beast!" 

Peter laughed manically. "It's too late! I have taken him- fight Captain America." Peter lifted up the Captain America doll, making it walk towards Thor in such a way it made a shiver run up his spine. 

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