Skincare Rules Every Girl Should Know

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[Song: Zarra Larsson - Lush Life]

Credit to Temyracle

1. Skincare routine is about layering products. But, make sure each product tu fully absorb dulu, baru apply next product okay?

2. Basic simple rules to apply skincare in order? Apply yang mana paling 'light' dulu. Ikut consistency produk tersebut. Tapi kalau serum & moisturizer, apply serum dulu sebab partikel dalam serum jauh lebih kecil.

3. Moisturiser is a MUST. Tak kira lah you kulit berminyak ke combination ke oily ke. Wajib pakai moisturiser yang betul. Senang ingat macam ni je:

Oily- Water Base
Yang sejuk-sejuk macam puding jelly itu water base selalunya.

Dry- Cream.
Cari yang heavier type, creamy camtu.

Facial oil pun bagus!

4. Do not scrub more than 3 times a week. 4 times boleh la kalau tekstur scrub tu jenis halussss. Scrub ni penting untuk buang sel kulit mati dan bagi skincare products yang lain masuk dalam kulit tanpa gangguan.

5. Bahan paling basic yang perlu ada dalam skincare products for hydration is Hyaluronic acid. This thing is so so good! If you wanna focus on dark spots, sekarang famous niacinamide.

Dila harap tips ni dapat serba sedikit membantu awak di luar sana. Till again guys. Bye!

Love my skin, love your skin.

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