Out of Character [Ikuya x F!Reader Fluff]

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a/n: literally as the title says lmAO


My eyelids felt heavy, but they struggled open anyway, and I was greeted with the plain grey ceiling of the apartment.

Ugh, my head.

I felt the sheets shiver, and there was movement in the bed beside me. My heart began to pound in my ears as my vision cleared and my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Dark teal hair swished slightly against my forehead, and I realized that I had been giving Ikuya butterfly kisses; he was so close.

My face immediately flared crimson, and I felt like my entire body was burning. Every blood vessel, every bone. "Ikuya..." I didn't really know what to say after that, so I kind of just trailed off as his eyes slid open. His intense amber pupils were only a slit of blazing colour, and looked freaking amazing, especially comparison to the dull walls of the apartment.

"Y/n, I..." He also had no clue what to say, so we both ended up just staring at each other for a while. Damn husky voice. Sent chills down my spine. I could barely catch my breath when he cupped my cheek in his hand, the smallest, faintest smile appearing on his face. 

Only I saw this side of him.

"Ikuya, I-I have to go..." It was true. I couldn't be there. It wasn't my apartment. It wasn't my bed.

(Yeah okay maybe it was my Ikuya but let's not talk about that now oka-)

"Please stay." My breath hitched in my throat as he locked an arm around my shoulders and leaned in even closer, pressing a gently kiss against my cold lips. Not so cold anymore. It lasted a while, but when it was over, I felt like I could pass out any second.

"I'll take care of you, I promise." 

Okay, he was too sweet for me.

What happened to stoic, cold Ikuya?

Fuk 'im.

I like this version better.

"Y-You don't have to do that..." I mumbled sheepishly, pushing my head under the covers against his chest to hide my blushing face. "Eyes up here, sweetheart."

Of my fucking  lord.


Who are you, and what did you do to Ikuya?

"Okay, well, if I'm staying here, then I'm going to make you breakfast." I huffed, and reluctantly hopped out of the bed, face burning. "Damn your cuteness." I muttered under my breath as I wandered into the kitchen, while being completely unaware Ikuya had heard my comment.

I scraped together enough ingredients to make pancakes, so I was all set. "What are you making?" I almost dropped the pan on the floor when I heard a deep voice behind me, drowsy with sleep.

I turned my head around. Ikuya was wearing his beloved navy-blue sweater, and grey trousers. Okay, guess we're both rocking our lazy day outfits.

"Pancakes." I replied quickly, turning back to the stove, desperately wishing I hadn't accidentally burned the pancake while I was distracted. I blame Ikuya. But what I didn't expect was Ikuya's hug from behind. Arms looped around my stomach. Head tiredly resting on my shoulder. Warm breath on my neck. He seemed extremely drowsy, but he knew what he was doing.

"Ikuya! I-I'm gonna burn the pancakes!" I yelped childishly, trying to keep my grip on the pan and maintain my hand-eye coordination. "You're adorable when you're shy, you know that?" He chuckled in my ear, and as if it were possible, my face turned a darker shade of red.

I assumed he was too lazy to haul ass out of bed, but oh no.

When it came to teasing me into ruining breakfast, he was out in a flash.

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