Truth Or Dare [Rin x F!Reader]

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"Hmm...Okay, [Y/n]-chan!" You flinched as Nagisa yelled your name excitedly. This was a guaranteed embarrassing dare. You were in Rin's dorm room playing truth or dare with the Iwatobi boys and Rin himself since Nitori was out, and you were pretty much a stuttering mess of emotions. Truth or dare was always humiliating for you, no matter who you played with, you were always embarrassed somehow.

"Dare...?" You yipped nervously, slapping a hand over your mouth as soon as you had spoken. You wished your brain worked faster than your mouth sometimes. Nagisa leaned closer to Makoto to whisper in his ear, and the green-eyed giant immediately blushed and began to whisper back what seemed like protest for your sake.

"Y-You can't dare her to do that, Nagisa! That's so cruel!"

Is what you caught, and you immediately began regretting your life choices.

"Alright, [Y/n]-chan! I dare you to model Rin's clothes like on a catwalk!"

You swear your heart almost stopped. Everyone looked at each other and smirked, then at you to see your reaction. Rin looked faintly surprised. "Huh...?!" You breathed sharply, your entire face completely red. "B-But...that's a couple thing!" You gasped, and Nagisa just shrugged and grinned. "It's just a dare, [Y/n]-chan!"

Rin sent you a smirk and gestured to his closet. "Help yourself, sweetheart." Too embarrassed to shoot back a stinging retort, you struggled to your feet and stumbled over to said closet. You grabbed a handful of clothes, not caring what you had blindly picked, then hurried over to the bathroom.

You splashed water on your face then looked up, heaving a loud groan when you realized your face was still red as ever. Makoto sadly hung his head as your depressed groans echoed from the bathroom. "Nagisa, why did you have to dare her to do something you know would humiliate her...?" Nagisa just grinned wider, flashing a sly look at Rin. "[Y/n]-chan's adorable when she's flustered!"


Putting a stop to Makoto and Rei's pleads to Nagisa and waking up the bored Haru, the door of the bathroom slowly swung open. Everyone instantly whipped their heads around, eyes bright with anticipation.

There you stood, clothed in Rin's beanie, grey tank top, dark-coloured jacket, black jeans, and dark brown ankle boots. His dark-coloured jacket hung at your elbows, not covering your shoulders. You fiddled with the jacket, a bright pink hue covering your cheeks, nose, and ears. "Hey, you suit my clothes." A smirk instantly appeared on Rin's face and he flashed a wink in your direction, causing you to hurriedly glance away.

"You look great, [Y/n]." Makoto smiled kindly, silently praying for your own sake that Nagisa won't pick you for a dare next time. Haru and Rei just nodded approvingly at you. Nagisa jumped up, eyes bright, then began to tickle you. "You look so cute, [Y/n]-chan!" You squirmed. "Oi! I-I'm ticklish, Nagisa!"

You were begged to keep the clothes on, because of course you were, but that just made you initial embarrassment last way longer than it should.

When it was your turn, you just dared Rei to make you a cup of tea because you were so emotionally wrecked and exhausted you just needed it. Big mood.

And before you knew it, it was Nagisa's turn again.

You silently thanked your lucky stars when he asked Rin instead of you. "Rin-chan! Truth or dare?"

"Dare." He replied nonchalantly. "I dare you to show [Y/n] your stripper dance video!"

Time for [Y/n]'s second heart attack of the day.

"W-What is this...?!" You whispered, blushing furiously as your eyes stayed glued to the screen of Rin's phone. Makoto and Rei were casually drowning in embarrassment and pity for you in the background. "Never speak of this again." Rin shot you a cheeky grin and shoved his phone back in his pocket. "But I still have the costume if you want t-"

"No!" Your shriek was muffled by a pillow as you shoved your face into it.



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