Outfits [Rin x F!Reader]

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A/n: Yet another thing about the OVA, although I still haven't done the second part of basically the same thing. I'll do that tomorrow, because tomorrow's Saturday, but I'm starting this now, because it's 11:53 in the night and my dad's still watching this damn show about cars.

Also, once again altering it and making Samezuka NOT an all-boy school.


[Y/n] was running to catch up to her friends when they were looking for the Maid Café from Hell, but she just had to have the misfortune to run straight into Rei's back, and therefore falling onto her ass onto the floor.

"Ow!" The [H/c]-haired girl whined pathetically, catching everyone's attention, but she was absolutely not expecting one thing when they all turned to face her. Rin in a butler costume. She gazed up at him like he was a god, her eyes stretched wide and practically sparkling. "...Y-You're in a b-butler...outfit...!" [Y/n]'s voice was really breathy and high, and she looked like she was about to faint.

An embarrassed blush swept across Rin's face as Makoto nervously pulled [Y/n] to her feet, holding her shoulders tightly because she clearly had a bad case of wobbly knees. She still stared at Rin, completely lovestruck (I have never related more). "Agh, [Y/n], don't look at me!" She did the opposite of what the voice told her, and turned swiftly to see Momo completely embarrassed and nicely tailored in a maid outfit, attempting to run away.

[Y/n] slapped a hand over her eyes when Nagisa began to practically molest the poor ginger by lifting his skirt and playing with it, while Momo just whimpered, completely defeated as he crumbled to the floor. "No...Okay, that's it!"

And before anyone could stop him, Momotarou grabbed ahold of [Y/n] and dragged her away, out of the café and towards the bathroom.


"M-Momo, I am not wearing this!"

"Awww, why? All the other girls in the café wore them!"

"MOMO, there were only two girls actually wearing maid outfits! The others chickened out!"

"So, don't be like them and chicken out!"


"Think of matching with Rin."

There was silence from the girl's bathroom for a moment.


"Maid and butler, [Y/n], think! I hate shipping them like this..." He muttered the last part under his breath, but [Y/n] didn't catch it.

"F-Fine! I'll wear it!"

Mission accomplished, Momo.

You can thank or kill me later, Rin.


"Where did Momo take [Y/n]?" Nagisa mumbled dejectedly, slamming his head onto the table. Rei pushed up his glasses in a foreboding manner. "I don't think this is a good sign..."

But they were all interrupted by a series of squeaks and complaints coming from the entrance, and they all slowly turned around to see what the source of the noise was.

It was...Momo...and [Y/n], who was in a maid outfit...

"Aww!" Nagisa gushed cutely, but the others had very different reactions. Of course they were completely humiliated by just the sight of her. It's a maid outfit, c'mon. Think about it. Even goddamn Sousuke was embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck and averting his eyes. "[Y/n], what..." Makoto trailed off, covering his eyes with his hands as Momo pushed [Y/n] towards them gleefully.

"I blame Momo!" The ginger ignored her indignant squeal, and just smirked as she turned all shades of crimson, fiddling with the hem of the skirt. Basically all of them were covering or averting their eyes. Rei looked like he was going to die of embarrassment. "The m...maid outfit was not necessary or logical..." He obviously stumbled on the word 'maid'. Haru tried to hide his face in is shirt. "Let's just go, alright?" Rin mumbled, his hand covering his entire face.

"Hey, I just realized!" A thoughtful yet eager smile played on Nagisa's lips as he leaned over the table, gesturing to Rin and [Y/n]'s outfits. "You guys are totally matching!" Rin and [Y/n] looked at each other. The static expressions they were sporting changed to scowls, then eventually they were exchanging awkward and embarrassed looks.

"It's not like that, Nagisa!" [Y/n] yelped pathetically, flailing her arms around in a panic. "MOMO," Rin fixed the ginger with a scary look, and Momo laughed nervously.

What a day it was turning out to be.

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