Good Morning, Sunshine [Rin x F!Reader]

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[Y/n] let out a long sigh. She couldn't sleep, as per usual, but no, it was different this time. She was tired and pissed off. There Rin was beside her in the bed, sleeping like a baby. Seriously, how did he do that? It just wasn't fair. Especially on her, props to insomnia. Letting out another huffy sigh, she rolled over for the third time so she didn't face her fast-asleep boyfriend.

But she most definitely did not expect what happened next. A strong pair of arms picked her up, and laid her flat-out on top of Rin's torso and entire body. She was completely on top of him, and very confused indeed. "...H-hello...? R-Rin...are you..." Rin mumbled inaudible sentences, hugging her closer. He slid open one eye suddenly, his face instantly turning a bright shade of crimson when his reality check bounced and he realized their position.

"[Y-Y/n], what are you doing...?" The [H/c/n] girl almost blew a gasket, reaching out to angrily grab his cheeks. "Idiot, you put me here!" She whisper-shouted furiously, knowing that there was no way she would be able to fall asleep now. "...I did?" She slapped a hand on her face. "...Yes!"
A smirk slowly tugged at Rin's lips, and his hands found her waist. She squealed as she was raised in the air, flailing her arms around pathetically and attempting to throw a helpless tantrum. Rin studied her sleepy face.

"You look really tired." And with that, he let her drop back onto him with a muffled squeak, her face quickly being dug into his shark t-shirt. "Well, yeah..." She rested her chin on his chest, widening her tired eyes at him. Rin locked his arms behind his head, looking up at the ceiling. It was a peaceful silence, and [Y/n] felt herself drifting into drowsiness.

With a muffled sigh, she rolled right off her boyfriend and huddled against his side, curling her legs together and forming a fetus position. With a huff of laughter, Rin pulled the covers over her completely, which made a displeased sound sneak out from underneath the duvet. It was so warm and cozy, she felt sleep rolling over her in a dark, comfortable wave...

[Y/n] woke to sunshine streaming through the curtains. It annoyed her eyes and disrupted her sleepy mindset, forcing her roll over and let out a long groan of discomfort. "[Y/n], are you up?" Rin's voice made her perk up, and she emerged from the silky white sheets to rub her face and bat her eyes in confusion and drowsiness.

"...Y-Yeah, just now..." Her boyfriend appeared at the door, drying his hair with a towel and still wearing his clothes from the other night: a shark t-shirt and boxers. And he was holding a giant dolphin plushie. Adorable. "...You take a shower?" [Y/n] smiled lightly, hugging her pillow to her chest. "Yeah, you should take one too to wake up. I'll go see what I can do for breakfast."

Happiness glowed in [Y/n]'s stomach, and she couldn't help stupidly smiling into the pillow. As long as she had Rin, her standards for happiness weren't all that high—

"Agh! [Y/n], the pancakes are burning!"

"SHIT DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE— And how did you even manage to burn pancakes, never mind making them?! It's only been a few damn seconds!"


Okay, so maybe they were almost like a middle-aged couple when it came to more practical things, but, y'know, they managed...kind of...


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