Maid Café and Water Gun Fight [Free! x F!Reader]

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A/n: So, I know Samezuka is an all-boy school, but for the sake of this book I'm going to alter it, but there'll only be a very few amount of girls actually in the school.




"CARE TO FUCKING EXPLAIN!?" You practically screamed, dramatically pointing at your outfit. He cringed at your tone. "W-Well-"

"[Y-Y/n]-senpai! Y-You look so cute!"

"[Y/n], I had no idea you were dressing up as well?"

Of course Nitori and Momo had to come in and interrupt you before you tore Rin limb from limb.

--Meanwhile, In a much more peaceful place...--

Makoto turned to Haru, slightly flustered. "Anyway, do you know what kind of booth we're supposed to be looking for?" Haru closed his eyes, replying calmly. "When I asked him, Rin just said: you'd better not come-" And, what do you know, merely minutes after that small conversation a certain [H/c]-haired girl in a black, white, and red maid costume ran into Haru and fell harshly onto the ground.

"Dammit, that's going to hurt tomorrow..." You muttered, head hanging slightly so your hair covered your face. "Are you alright, miss?" Haru held out his hand, and you slowly took it, face still disguised by [H/c] locks. "Yeah, thanks for being so nice..." All while Rei, Nagisa, and Makoto watched from the sidelines. "That's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Rei muttered in wonder. "Wow, doesn't Haru look like a prince?" Makoto's face was crossed with confusion. "Hold on, is that..."


All four of them noticed at once, and of course you turned beet red and began to fiddle with the hem of your frilly skirt, feeling awfully self-conscious. "[Y/n]-chan, you look so adorable and frilly!" Nagisa began to tickle you, and you transformed into a whining mess until Makoto finally held the blonde back. "I-It's Samezuka's annual maid café of hell thing...and Rin dragged me along so I could suffer with him..." Was your explanation. And of course they followed you all the way back to the café, though you very firmly told them not to.

Of course when they saw you hiding behind Rin the Butler they immediately wondered what they had gotten themselves into. Especially when Nitori and all those guys lined up and called them 'masters'. But you refused to call them that, though you were still forced to be their waitress. "What would you like?" You asked through gritted teeth, a grimace clear on your face. They all confirmed the truth of the fact that you would never step foot in a maid café again for as long as you lived.

After all that, you hastily hurried away to deliver their orders to Sousuke. "[Y/n], taste test." Gleefully, you leaned down, your elbows on the table as you let the dark brown-haired giant gently push the spoon into your mouth. "Perfect." You responded through a real smile, feeling your initial embarrassment about this whole thing fade away slightly.

I think part of your relief had something to do with seeing Rin in a hot butler costume, but anyway--

--A Little While Later--

"Ugh, thank god I'm out of that costume..." You muttered, trying to hide your blushing face in the back of Sousuke's jacket in some weak attempt at comfort. "Aw, but you looked so cute, [Y/n]-chan!" Nagisa sang, which made you straight-up try to KILL the blonde with your EYES. "I'M NOT CUTE!" Of course that made everyone the opposite of terrified. Next thing you knew Nagisa was ordering a billion mysterious Shark Fin (?) dumplings, which you instantly turned your nose up at just because of the question mark. What could you say, you were a cautious eater.

"Ah, Rin, I'm still so embarrassed..." You whimpered into his sleeve, and he sighed heavily, clearly able to relate on an unbelievably high level. "Me too. But at least we don't have to do it again for a while..." Your reply was another pathetic mewl, meaning you were going to cling onto Rin's arm for the rest of the day out of pure need to escape your lingering humiliation.

After a few minutes of pointless conversation and more sketchy Shark Fin dumplings later... "Hey, look, a survival game! We should all play it!" You immediately groaned at Nagisa's voice, your voice muffled by Rin's sleeve. And before you knew it, everyone was agreeing with the idea. "N-Noooo!" You pursed your lips as Momo and Nitori examined the plastic guns, and Sousuke, Makoto, Rei, and Haru turned to you in confusion. "Do you not like survival games?" Rei asked curiously, his eyes scanning over you as if you were a puzzle he was trying to figure out.

You turned beet-red. "No, another reason." Of course they all instantaneously decided to abandon the topic for your sake, though your dignity had been ripped to shreds ages ago. Rin, being the responsible childhood friend, was unfazed when you asked him for his jacket (you were wearing a white shirt and this would, well, involve water guns), giving it to you without a second thought.

After Rin explained the game, Nagisa suggested mixing everyone up, and for some reason, everyone agreed to that as well, and you drew lots. You ended up on the blue team, because the world hated you and wanted you to be parted from Rin's jacket. So, let's review the rules. A.K.A what Rin said.

"Your movements are limited to anywhere on Samezuka camp grounds. Get shot and your clothes wet, you're out." You threw anyone who looked at you funny a hate-filled glare. "You'll have to withdraw from the battle. Your time limit is one hour. The team with the most members left on the field at the end wins. You can go your separate ways, or work together as a team. Any plans are up to you."

You noticed Haru and Sousuke making a point of not looking at each other. "The game five minutes." But just before the teams parted, Rin told you to keep an eye on Sousuke because he sucked at directions, as if you didn't already know that.

"Are you ready?"

NO! NO I AM NOT! I AM NOT READY FOR ALL OF YOU TO SEE MY BRA WHEN I GET SPRAYED WITH WATER-- oh shit wait Rin gave me his jacket haha nevermind.


You had completely lost track of time, and Sousuke and Haru had already decided it was a great time to promptly stop giving a shit about strategy and start fighting each other. "Okay, well, I'm going to run for the hills before the others catch us-" And, turns out you had ducked into the bushes just in time, because as you predicted, the red team had already started attacking, because the blue team were about as disorganized and cooperative as a bunch of clueless puppies. You seemed to be the only one concentrating, shooting blasts of water at the opposing team with Haru from behind a tree, who actually looked like he was trying for once.

"I am determined. I am determined. I will not get shot with water..." That's what you kept muttering as you escaped with Haru and Sousuke, who immediately took different directions, therefore reverting back to uncooperative puppies again. But of course, you had to go with Sousuke, because thanks Rin, for dumping the responsibility on me.

But you were so wrapped up in reciting that in your head, you didn't notice Makoto following you both from a safe distance. "Okay, then..." Sousuke looked around at the tall buildings surrounding you both, eyebrows knitted together in concentration. "...We're....lost."

"Agh, dammit!" You groaned, wishing you were literally anywhere else. "We're basically out in the open, too! Oh, we're so fucked-"

"Sousuke, [Y/n]! There you two are!"

Because clearly, this was a perfect time for a reunion. Thanks, Kisumi.

[Y/n] at least tried to act chill and not nasty and anxious while her peach-haired friend talked, but Sousuke just remained stone-faced through it all. Not sure when, but earlier you had come together in an agreement. He protects your clothes from water (you did not want to ruin rin's jacket) and you don't let him get lost. So, of course when he spotted the glint of water gun in the sunlight he locked you AND Kisumi under his right arm, clamped a hand over your mouths, and ducked behind a wall. "Don't say a word." He muttered, shooting blasts of water around the corner.

"S-Sousuke, I-I have a w-water gun too!" You mumbled against his palm, though you stumbled over your words because you were nervous. And no, you were not the kind of person who would weirdly lick their kidnapper's hand, because that's gross. Makoto's voice soon made it's merry way to your ears. "Sorry, Sousuke. This match is over. You're done."

Ha ha, that's funny, Mako! 'Cause guess what!? I'M HERE TOO! YES, [Y/N] [L/N]! And Kisumi, our salmon-haired friend!

"You're sneakier than I'd thought you'd be, Makoto, I'll give you that." Kisumi wriggled free slightly. "Wait, is Makoto here too?"

You and Sousuke immediately shushed him.

"If you think my stealth skills are impressive, wait 'till you see how I handle a water gun." Then he began to slowly walk forward. "Ah, crap...wait..." You and Sousuke looked at each other and had an entire conversation with your eyes. Kisumi. Human shield. It's perfect.

"This game is over!"
Just as Makoto rushed forward and shot at them, you and Sousuke slid away like weasels, executing your plan perfectly, which resulted in Kisumi getting soaked. "Kisumi?! [Y/n]!" Makoto gaped at his accidental target, while you and Sousuke cackled and ran away like the little plotting devils you were. "What's your deal, you guys? Now I gotta go change my clothes!"

"Sorry, Ki-su-mi!"

"Let's just say that now we're even!"


"I'm officially exhausted." I'm not kidding, you literally let yourself fall forward, and Rin had caught you just in time before you face-planted into the ground. You were last standing, and had won the game for the blue team, no thanks to Haru, though, who let his water obsession take over. Hey, and guess what? You didn't get shot with water, therefore not getting your shirt wet, because someone up there must like you.

"Well, you lived." Rin muttered as he got you to properly stand, but you still used him like you had broken every bone in your body. You could tell he was bitter after losing, and you couldn't help but giggle and ruffle his hair. "Oh, well, so did you, RinRin."

"Don't call me that!"

This caused the others to quietly ship you in the background.

Anyway, you would say it had been a fifty-fifty day.

Half good, half bad.

Maid café and water gun fight?

Who knows, maybe you'll try it again next time.


Extended Ending: last year... Rin was a maid?

"I know what you're thinking, stop it!" Rin yelled, snapping his teeth angrily. [Y/n] giggled and laid her hands on his shoulders teasingly. "I was there! Wanna see some pictures?"


This resulted in Rin chasing [Y/n] around for a while until he managed to defeat her by knocking her over, but she still somehow held up her phone, giggling like a maniac when the Iwatobi guys bit back smiles and tried to hold back their laughter. Even Makoto was having a hard time. "It's...almost beautiful..." Rei sniggered against his hand.










This went on for some time. Well, until Sousuke, taking the role as the responsible best friend, pried them apart, though they were still yelling and squealing about married couples, cosplay, maid and butler costumes and old, embarrassing photos.

𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚! 𝙫𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 || one-shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ