Kiss The Girl [Rin x F!Shy Reader]

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Rin usually comes off as a suave, cocky person who teases everyone at the best of times. But that all changed when he met [Y/n] [L/n], the most shy girl you could ever meet.


It was a cliché meeting. [Y/n] was late to class, of course, and frantically skidding through the hallways on a particularly icy January morning. I mean, she wasn't exactly having the best day of her life. It was her first day at Samezuka Academy, and from what she'd heard the majority was boys. Props to her best friend, [F/n] for that info. She was also enrolled in Samezuka, but finding her amongst the sea of males [Y/n] was supposed to expect was the last thing she needed at that moment. Being late on her first day was already turning class into this impending nightmare.

"First thing to do: don't be late for fucking class!" The [H/c]-haired girl muttered furiously to herself as she almost tripped over turning a corner. "Second thing to do: see if there's a swim club you can join--" And that's when it happened. Someone crashed right into her and she was backwards onto her hindquarters, landing on the ground with a rough 'thump'.

"Ow...!" She whimpered in an agonized, high-pitched tone, sitting in hopelessness and pain for a second. This was absolutely the last thing she needed. "Damn, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." Ready to give whoever this was a piece of her mind, [Y/n] lifted her tired eyes up from the ground to meet a pair of beautiful ruby-red ones. Okay. So. Maybe the chances of her lecturing someone for running into her weren't very high anyway, but now there was no way she could say anything; or even speak.

A distressed-looking, very, very attractive guy was sitting on the floor in front of her, rubbing his head and looking at her with a troubled expression. All the air just whooshed out of her lungs in one big act of suffocating humiliation. A grin suddenly flashed across his face, despite the situation. "Jeez, look at us. Like two characters from a cliché high school movie." He chuckled as he stood up, seeming to find amusement in [Y/n]'s surprised expression and perfect 'o'-shaped mouth.

"Come on." A dark red blush swept across [Y/n]'s face as the guy held out his hand. And the ultimate humiliation was when a tiny, pathetic 'mew' escaped [Y/n] as she took his hand and was pulled to her feet very quickly, props to this guy's apparent strength. She wasn't sure whether he had heard the pitiful sound but his sly smirk made her think. "I heard you talking about joining a swim club?"


Oh no...

He heard me...

How humiliating...

"U-um, yes!" The [H/c/n] girl yelped shrilly. "I was thinking of joining a swim team if there" This was just embarrassing, and [Y/n] actually wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because of how unnaturally high her voice was becoming all of a sudden, or... hey, hold on a minute, she didn't even know this guy's name. A grin that could make any girl faint broadened on the stranger's handsome face. "Hey, you're pretty lucky, then. You just happened to bump into the captain of the Samezuka swim team! Nice to meet you, the name's Matsuoka Rin."

And [Y/n]'s heart just stopped beating in her chest for a second.


...And that's how [Y/n] [L/n] ended up as the Samezuka swim team's manager. Great. What a lucky coincidence that almost made her faint on the spot. She was quickly favoured by all the members, now being known as their 'adorable little manager', who's voice goes high when flustered and shy demeanour shown at every given moment.

Sometimes Rin had to fend off Momo by trapping him in an inescapable headlock. And, if you were wondering, yes, [Y/n] was very flustered by being surrounded by a team-full of shirtless guys for a good part of the day. That's just how she was.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it." 

[Y/n] was focusing on supervising Momo's backstroke times while Rin greeted the Iwatobi team, i.e the team they were having a joint practice with that day. "Come on, Momo..." The [H/c]-haired girl whispered in quiet encouragement and concentration, eyebrows furrowing thoughtfully and hands gripping a clipboard as she watched the ginger kick off the wall and prepare to speed past her. She was so engrossed in studying every movement she didn't notice her captain conversing with the opposing team, meanwhile...

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