Internet Best Friend [Rin x F!Reader]

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You'd done this before; the moment when you finally meet your internet best friend. It was, of course, breath-taking, and your chest felt tight and your throat felt strained, and all of a sudden it didn't matter how you already knew what he looked like and he, you. You had seen him and his friends swim plenty of races on TV, and had done video call many, many times.

You two had met on an online game, because of course both of you were gAMers. And former fans of rock music, but that's not the point.

You tentatively walked through the doors, heart pounding in your ears as you glanced around the crowd, knowing instinctively he would be there as promised. And as soon as you saw the playful smirk playing on a certain swimmer's face, you ran straight into his arms and refused to let go for some time.


Since the plan was for you to stay in Rin's apartment [let's just say he had an apartment in Japan even though I am aware he stays with Gou and his mom], he had a very tired [H/c/n] girl to take care of. You constantly thanked him at every given moment, and there wasn't a time you wouldn't be clinging onto his arm, and, to his extreme amusement, your behaviour very much resembled one of a child's.

"Wow, it's really clean and tidy in here." You peeked in, adorable fascination and curiosity adorning your beautiful face. "It isn't most of the time..." Rin responded, an embarrassed blush warming his face. "I understand." You realized what he meant and beamed internally wanting to tease him about only tidying up because you were coming over, but your mouth said otherwise. "A-After the flight, I'm kinda hungry... Is there maybe anything I could have?"

Rin snorted, but there was underlying affection under his voice when he spoke. "[Y/n], you're really stiff."

"I-I am not! Quit avoiding my question!"

Rin blinked, seeming groggy, then, shocking and humiliating you, he easily picked you up by the waist and deposited you onto the coach, ignoring your indignant noises as he did so. You squeaked. "How's eggs?" He yawned lazily as he approached the fridge.

"F-Fine! Eggs are fine, thank you..."

Rin just chuckled.


After the food, you felt a huge wave of sleepiness and suddenly your head was fuzzy and heavy. "I...I'm really tired..." Was all you managed to say before you began to drift off on Rin's shoulder, while he just grinned, laughed quietly, and held you closer without waking you up. He didn't want you sleeping on the coach, so he carefully picked you up bridal-style, froze when you mumbled and sniffled, then proceeded to lay you down on his bed.

As soon as you felt the dark blue satin covers, you whined and clutched them tightly, murmuring something random. Rin watched you lovingly or a moment, his apple-red eyes filled with nothing but affection as you dozed, breathing softly with an occasional sneeze or sniffle, your shiny lips parted ever so slightly.

Your lips.

An embarrassed blush swept across Rin's face at the thought as he climbed in beside you, making sure the duvet was covering you completely so you weren't the least bit cold. Your eyes were closed as you faced Rin, but his were wide open, as he still couldn't believe this was actually happening, until sleep eventually crept into his system and he felt drowsiness force his eyelids shut and make him dream of a very pretty girl slumbering in front of him.


You and Rin woke the next morning literally nose-to-nose, almost giving each other butterfly kisses. Almost. "O-Oh." I mean, what else could you say? Your mind had blanked, but Rin's was completely packed. What should he do? What should he say? Your lips looked so tempting. Should he kiss you?

What should he do?

A right pair you two were. One completely out of it, the other painfully indecisive. Instinctively, you squirmed around in the bed because it was cold and you were getting uncomfortable, because you were lying on your side and therefore absolutely crushing your left arm. You were sort of trying to hide under the covers.

But as you moved, your lips brushed against his slightly, and that was Rin's boom moment. He cupped your face with a quick hand before you could completely disappear under the covers out of embarrassment, and looked into your shimmering [E/c] eyes passionately before pressing his lips against yours.

Finally, one of you had mustered up the damn courage.

And did it whoosh the air right out of your lungs.

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