Always Loved You [Haru x F!Reader]

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friend: why do you make so many haru x readers?

me: fuk u, thas why


([B/n]: Boyfriend's Name)


[Y/n] didn't know what else to do, so she blindly ran to Haru's house with a suitcase of quickly thrown in belongings, as she knew for a fact all her friends were hanging out there.

She had just caught [B/n] cheating on her.

It all felt so unreal, and she kept unsuccessfully trying to convince herself she was just having a terrible nightmare.

But it was real.

Truly, undoubtedly real.

When Haru answered the door, she tried to seem like she was actually okay for a few seconds. Tried to ignore her red-stained cheeks and the liquid that was threatening to spill down them again.

She looked at him.

Then she burst into tears.

Through breathy sobbing, she managed to choke out, "H-He cheated on me..." They didn't need to know who he  was. 

"I'll kill him." Rin growled, fuming as [Y/n] cried into Makoto's chest, staining his shirt with her tears. She found herself smiling, which may have seemed slightly sadistic but Rin was just like that. His familiarity made you feel a lot better. "T-Thank you," She muttered, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. "I'm just...I'm sorry for suddenly showing up a complete mess..."

Which resulted in all of them furiously protesting against her apology for the next fifteen minutes.

"What he did was positively unforgivable." Rei muttered, pushing up his glasses in a thoughtful, almost angry way. "Yeah, that son of a bitch really messed up." Rin huffed. "You've got no reason to apologize." Makoto said with caring firmness, and Nagisa nodded his head quickly in agreement. 

"T-Thank you..." They were all being so sweet, she felt like bursting into tears all over again.

The thing was, Haru was being awfully quiet. More than usual.

It wasn't like he wasn't holding her tightly or rubbing her back in a comforting way, because he was. And that was just as supportive. He was just silent.

"Ugh, it just sucks, you know?" [Y/n] sniffled as she groaned and ran a hand through her hair, her eyes squinting down as they became glassy again. "I did get all my stuff out," She gestured to her suitcase, which was placed on the floor in front of the sofa she was sitting on.

"But we share, or shared  an apartment, so I guess I'll have to go live on my parents' couch-"

"You can stay here." Haru hadn't realized he'd said it before it had slipped out of his mouth. Oh god. He didn't dare check [Y/n]'s expression. 

The rest were grinning and giving each other smug looks, as they had all known about Haru's undeniable crush on the [H/c]-haired girl for as long as they could remember. I mean, she had just gotten out of a breakup, but being supportive was definitely a step in the right direction for Haru and [Y/N]. He couldn't bring himself to look, but [Y/n] was blushing slightly, her lips slightly upturned in a grateful, sad, sort of really happy smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Do whatever you want."

"Thank you, Haru, it really means a lot. But don't worry, I won't bother you for too long: I'm sure I'll figure something out."

[Y/n]'s face wasn't just flushed from recently crying.


After they had all given [Y/n] comforting platonic kisses on her forehead and a 'good night', Rin, Makoto, Nagisa, and Rei left.

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