After So Long [Rin x F!Reader]

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"Gou, remind me why we're at the airport again?" You grumbled to your redhead friend, glancing around the boring-looking airport for the millionth time. "You'll see." She replied with a big, stupid smile glued to her face, and your side-eye was so intense you almost needed to walk sideways to compensate. That had to be the tenth time she had responded with that. Makoto and Nagisa had asked to come along and were looking around the shops in the airport (don't think they have shops in the airport but let's just say they do), and you and Gou were sitting on a bench for apparently no reason.

"You know, you look like Rin." She giggled, the smile on her face growing ever wider, and your face instantly fell. "Rin?" You mumbled quietly, running a hand through your hair and sighing gently as you leaned back against the bench. "Really? I don't think so." Gou beamed, then pointed behind you. "You could ask for his preference..."

Confused, you raised a brow at her and slowly turned around. "What the hell are you talking abou-"

You gasped.

"Yo." Rin gave you his widest grin, and for a second you had to look him up and down to make sure it really was him. And god, he really had changed physically over the years. In a good way. Not to say you were a perv, but you could definitely tell he was very toned, and you couldn't exactly complain (Neither can I).


Your shriek made Makoto and Nagisa turn around, just in time to see you pretty much body Rin and knock him over in a life-endangering hug. He was laughing uncontrollably as you gripped his clothing.


He was laughing and you were crying.

What a pair you were.

You sat up, sniffling and wiping your eyes on your sleeve. "Shut up! This is sad!" You squeaked, which only made Rin laugh more. Makoto and Nagisa were sniggering in the background, and Gou was looking at the two of you like she had just completed the most important mission in her life. "GOU!" You shouted, pointing at her expectantly, and she just smiled at you and her brother, who both still on the floor.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, so I didn't tell you when Rin came back from Australia!"

Makoto jogged over, Nagisa following suit, and looked down with amused eyes. "Wow, has it really been that long for you to have to literally body Rin like that?" You scowled up at him, scrunching your face up, and Rin took this specific moment to analyze you after so long. Both of you had definitely changed after the years, but one thing was for sure; you practically looked like a goddess.

Your [H/l] [H/c] was loose and rumpled from at full velocity bowling him over, but that made it look light and wavy, and your [E/c] eyes shone like stars. Also you had the smoky eye thing and the warm-looking skin thing and the pink, puffed-out cheeks thing and the tsundere thing going on, and combined, it transformed Rin into a gooey puddle of butterflies and lovestruck schoolboy-mess.

"Give it a rest, Mako!" You crossed your arms and pouted at him. "It was elementary school-" Then you suddenly turned around and pushed your face into his torso again, sniffling again. "-Then you went to Sydney and never came back!" Rin chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Pfff- You're such a crybaby."

"O-Oi! You jerk!"

This resulted in you snatching his hat and threatening to only give It back until he apologized.


Over the next few days you two were practically inspirable, and to any bypassers you would look like the sweetest couple ever, but you were too busy showing Rin around Tokyo to even think about being in that kind of a relationship with him. But, that being said, there were some days you were exhausted from just spending time with him. He was still very cheeky, but now apparently quite the flirt.

So, when you were in the shower thinking about life (dunno how showers do that by the way but they do), there was a knock on the door. So you, quick as lightning, hopped out of the shower, dried yourself, and threw an oversized hoodie on; the one that reached your knees. That was all you were wearing. A bra, panties, and a hoodie. Without even giving a thought to your dripping-wet hair.

Then you flung the door open, to not really be surprised by Rin, who was standing there and looking down at you in confusion. "You look like you just got out of the shower." You rolled your eyes, not being able to help a smile. "That's because I did just get out of the shower. But I hopped out and ran around like crazy because of you." As soon as you said it, you blushed. The way you voiced it just made you sound clingy.

Rin smirked at your obvious mistake. "Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to go to a café, but now..." Trying his hardest not to snigger, he pointed to your soaking hair. "Agh! My hair!" You shrieked after touching your head where he had pointed, turning and running back inside your apartment to try and find a towel.

Rin chuckled and shook his head, knowing that you hadn't really changed that much.

But you still questioned why he hadn't just texted you.

Maybe he just wanted to suddenly show up at your door, knowing you would be a mess, so he could efficiently made you double back on yourself and humiliate yourself...if that even makes sense.

"Hey, so the real reason I took you out was because I knew you would immediately jump at the chance to go to your favourite café, which now means I've successfully got you out of your apartment..." Rin pointed his fork at you, grinning cheekily. "So now I can drag you to nationals!" Your face twisted into a look of outrage and mortification. "What?! I never agreed to this! Oh my god, Rin! How could you do this to me..." Groaning, you sunk down into your chair, wanting to disappear.

"Aw, c'mon, it's not a complete waste of time to go to nationals..." He leaned across the table to fake-pout at you, though it proved a little difficult because you were actually sinking into the seat like you were trying to lie down. He could barely see the top of your head. "Eh, fine, I'll go! But you owe me..."

Rin just laughed.


Of course, though you hadn't seen much of Rei and Nagisa because you were in college, they had blabbed all about you to their new members like you were some sort of goddess, and had done the same about Haru, naturally. So, when Rin dropped you off at the Iwatobi section of the arena as an irritated, out-of-sorts, furious mess of stubbornness (because you were being forced to go somewhere you hadn't planned to be going to, and you hated surprises), you were immediately worshipped for being undeniably cute as well as an Iwatobi legend.

"You owe me double now," You grumbled to Rin as Haru took pity on you and began to talk to Ayumu, Shizuru, and Romio, trying to distract them from your irresistible cuteness. Rin chuckled and began to mess with your hair from underneath your beanie, commenting on how you both looked like two weird college kids with matching hats, then whispered in her ear, "Meet me outside afterwards, if you're really that upset about it."

Which left you to replay the conversation in your mind for the rest of the day. You actually really enjoyed Nationals, and, surprising all of them, yelled everyone's names in a not-squeaky tone, which was shocking because most of the time your voice went unnaturally high, because you were easily flustered and messed with.

Afterwards you were kind of winding down outside and looking at the sunset as the others congratulated each other, because watching your friends swim really excited you for obvious reasons. You gripped the material of your shirt where your heart was, taking deep breaths.

God, I don't think I'll be able to speak normally for the next few days...All that shouting is making me sound like a raspy frog...

"Hey." You jumped and flinched, a hoarse-sounding squeak escaping your raspy throat. "Gross, I can't speak." You muttered angrily to Rin, coughing a little as he snickered. "Your own fault for yelling so loud-" That earned him a swift elbow in the stomach. "Anyway, now I think it's time to repay you." For some reason, a sly smirk flashed across his face, which of course made you blush like a schoolgirl.

Especially when a pair of hands snaked around your waist and locked you tightly in Rin's embrace.

"R-Rin, what are you-"

He cut you off by pressing his lips against yours, and you immediately melted into a puddle of goo. The kiss was sweet and gentle, and so unlike Rin in general. Though his mouth was much softer than you expected, and near the end it became passionate, but then you both began to need air. When he pulled back slightly, you took in a sharp breath and covered your mouth with your hands, shocked into speechlessness while all that bastard could do was smirk at you.

Screw a couple of days, this motherfucker of a throat won't be able to function properly for a few goddamn weeks...

"Was that enough? Or do I still owe you?" The bright red blush having recently expanded to your nose and ears and your face burning hotter than the sun, you looked away and shook your head slightly, hands still over your mouth. "Smile, big bro!" Gou pointed a camera at you two and snapped a sneaky photo, which resulted in you actually becoming a limp ragdoll in Rin's arms out of pure hopelessness.

And that wasn't all.

Practically all your friends had now seen the picture happening in real life, and only you seemed to be the one sufficiently mortified by that. But you were wrong. Rin evilly chuckled in your ear, telling you that he would kill Gou later on. Of course you looked at each other and snickered like little devils.

It was official and sweetly cliché: you were perfect for each other.


Extended Ending:


Rin leaned forward and pushed his nose into your hair, taking in the smell as he sighed and smiled. "You smell of strawberries..." You instantly blushed at the feeling of Rin's face nuzzled into your hair. "You bought me that strawberry perfume for my birthday, ya idiot-"

You cut yourself off with a very high-pitched squeal as Rin bowled you over on the sofa so he was on top. "You smell really nice..." He mumbled as if in a daze, his voice muffled because he was still kind of speaking into your hair here. There was no space between your bodies. You rolled your eyes playfully and wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning in for a supposedly deep kiss.

Were strawberries Rin's fetish or something...?

𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚! 𝙫𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 || one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now