Girls Like Girls [Gou x F!Reader]

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Gou often thought about love. It was a common occurrence for the red-haired girl to catch herself daydreaming about a magical relationship with someone special. But one day she set aside her longing feelings and decided to try and come up with something to...distract herself. Something to keep her busy. Yeah, that'll do. How about the swim club?

Gou thought it was perfect.

So, she, carefree as a bird with a skip in her step, headed towards the club room. She grasped the doorknob and twisted it, and the door slowly creaked open. She peeked in with a curious, innocent expression.

Gou froze like a deer caught in headlights.

Standing in the middle of the clubroom holding a clipboard and a pen was the most gorgeous girl Gou had ever set her eyes on. [H/l], flowy, luscious [H/c] hair ruffled slightly by the breeze creeping in, gittering [E/c] eyes trained on the clipboard, clear [S/c] skin and an altogether stunning appearance.

Every inch of her seemed perfect, and Gou found herself staring instead of speaking.

The girl noticed her and turned her head slightly, looking the frozen redhead in the eye for the first time. Gou felt like erasing herself. A dazzling smile flashed across the [H/c/n]'s face. "Hello! Welcome to the swim club!" Trying to get ahold of herself, Gou forced a smile, raised a finger in the air, and tried to take a step forward. But there was clearly an issue, because instead of taking aforementioned step forward, Gou promptly fell face-forward into the floor, bruising her dignity more than her body, if we're being honest here.

There was an audible gasp, and Gou took a moment to curse herself before glancing up with jaded eyes, wondering if this day could get any worse.

"Are you alright!?" The girl was crouching down and looking down at her with nothing but concern plastered across her pretty face.

Oh my god, I think I'm dying...

A curious smile grew on the [H/c]-haired girl's face, and she raised a questioning eyebrow. Gou felt dead. After she had been pulled to her feet, the redhead felt a hot and uncomfortable wave of embarrassment. She couldn't believe she had face-planted in front of such a stunning girl.

To Gou's immense relief, she tried to start over.


"Hello..." Gou replied much more timidly. "What's your name? I'd like to get to know you!" The redhead, instantly flustered, looked up at her. She just stared, and the [H/c/n] grinned cutely, flashing her bright white teeth.

It was officially too late for Gou.


Gou was a frustrated mess the next few days, hard as she tried to seem as normal as she wanted to be. And [Y/n] [L/n] was a huge problem. She was the problem. The poor red-haired girl simply couldn't concentrate when she was around; constantly a blushing disaster with a serious stuttering problem.

And just when Gou thought it couldn't get any worse, [Y/n] invited her for a sleepover.

And Gou nearly exploded.

But as she was tentatively following padding out of the school gates to meet [Y/n], her insides jumbling around while butterflies erupted in her stomach, she saw something that unsettled her very much indeed. A brunette boy pulling a straight kabedon on [Y/n] against the wall surrounding the school, speaking through a shit-eating grin. The [H/c/n] girl looked thoroughly unamused, seeming immune to his apparently trash charm.

When [Y/n] spotted Gou staring, she quickly pushed him away, threw a few sharp words over her shoulder, grabbed Gou's hand, and pulled her along with her as she dashed away from the school. Okay. [Y/n] was holding Gou's hand. A boy had just attempted to woo [Y/n], inevitably failing.

When they slowed to a steady pace, the redhead resorted to trying her absolute hardest not to stare at their hands. She checked the [H/c]-haired girl's expression. She looked disturbed by the boy, but didn't say a word, therefore sentencing Gou to an eternity of silence, since she didn't have the guts to start the conversation. That was usually [Y/n]'s thing. She would start off the day by bombarding Gou with bubbly chatter and giggles, immediately flustering the poor girl in a matter of seconds without even trying to. It was kind of an unmentioned routine.

Gou gulped. This was it. She was going to do it. Confront her, though she really, really didn't want to think of it as that. She tried to concentrate on saying the right thing instead of staring at their hands. "Who...who was that?" [Y/n] still seemed shaken, and glanced at Gou with almost worry in her [E/c] eyes. Her grip on the redhead's hand grew tighter. "This...this guy from my middle school. He's had a crush on me forever, and for a while we dated...but I dumped him when he was getting too pushy about some...things. Ugh. I'm never dating guys ever again."

Gou couldn't stop herself. "Maybe you should date girls." Horror engulfed her for one terrifying moment, but it was all swept away when a weak yet hopeful smile curved [Y/n]'s lips. "Yeah, maybe I should." Gou's heart thudded heavily in her ears, and her insides felt like they were on fire. She couldn't do this. [Y/n] was overpowering. This was an extreme crush.

"Oh!" [Y/n] stopped walking in front of a house, and her mouth formed a perfect 'o'. "We're already here. I didn't notice!" Making Gou almost faint, [Y/n] beamed and skipped towards the front door, pulling her along. She hugged her as soon as they stepped foot in the house. Being hugged by [Y/n] was like being hugged by a flower. She seemed extremely excited to be having Gou over for a sleepover, and that enthusiasm was clearly infectious.

"What do you want to do now?" The [H/c]-haired beauty smiled brightly. " about baking something?"

So began the cooking nightmare.

The two girls attempted to bake cupcakes, and they did manage it...sort of...with a side dish of flour clouds... "[Y/n], y-you've got flour all over you!" Gou gasped, and the [H/c/n] blew on herself for a test before giggling and pointing at the redhead. "It's a fashion statement!" The redhead's eyes widened. "Oh yeah?"

"Pfff-" They both burst into simultaneous laughter, and Gou felt like she was in heaven. She wished moments like these could last forever, but alas, she didn't know how [Y/n] felt, after all...She could be barking up the wrong tree.

They painted each other's nails, dressed up each other for no event in particular, and it was all going fine until... "Gou, let me style your hair!"
"B-But...I've always had it in a ponytail..." The redhead broke off when she studied [Y/n]'s cute expression fully, and found herself giving in. "...Fine, fine..."



"G-Gou! You look so cute!"

It was like it had spilled out before [Y/n] could control it, and she just gazed at Gou in wonder for a second, her cheeks flushed. Gou's face erupted into a crazy shade of crimson. "T-Thanks...! I've basically never wore my hair done before..." The [H/c]-haired girl looked suddenly shy. "N-no problem...Hey, Gou, do you mind if something really quick?" Gou was immediately confused and nervous. " what?"

Her heart simply stopped moving as [Y/n] turned around completely on the sofa, reaching out with a silky-soft hand to cup Gou's face gently. Tears were forming at the corner of her beautiful [E/c] eyes, like she felt ashamed to even be considering doing whatever was crossing her mind. The redhead girl could not breathe. "...O-oh, you mean..." The [H/c]-haired girl bit her lip, giving the tiniest, almost unseen nod. "...Can I...?" [Y/n] almost looked too shy to do it, so Gou found herself smiling and reaching out with her own hand to hold [Y/n], leaning forward ever so slightly...

And then their lips connected.

" sweet..." [Y/n] whispered hoarsely when they pulled back for air, but they weren't parted for long. "Gou, I..." The [H/c]-haired girl flung her arms around the redhead, pulling her forward so she could bury her pretty face in her shoulder. "...I-I like you..."

Looking up to thank the heavens, Gou responded quietly and softly, warmth slowly spreading through her.

"...I do too...I always have..."

[Y/n] promptly burst into instantaneous happy tears.

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