The Thrill of the Chase [Rin x F!Reader]

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And the second she walked in, Rin knew she would be a troublemaker. Pretty face, candy eyes, smug expression. And the second she saw Rin, she knew he was hers. She even got seated beside him, by some random stroke of luck. Or was it luck? Fate, maybe? Nah, it's just a seat in a classroom: definitely not fate.

Rin groaned inwardly when he was assigned to be her mentor. The girl's smirk grew wider, and she had the cheeky audacity to shoot him a wink and stick out her tongue.

And just like that, she had stolen his heart and showed no sign of returning it.


"Helooooo, hot stuff!" That was how [Y/n] greeted Rin every time, and he really shouldn't be surprised or flustered at all. It was just how she sat right on his desk and looked down at him with a cheeky grin. Rin really hated her devilish smirk. It was just displaying her obvious smugness, because she was clearly aware she had stolen his heart so fast.

"What do you want?" Rin asked with a groan, not sure how to ask her to get off his desk and actually make her successfully do it. [Y/n] did not do what she was told, and definitely did not listen to Rin. The fact that she had him and so many others wrapped around her little finger was just something they never, ever talked about seriously. I mean, [Y/n]'s constant flirtatious jokes would never end, but that's not the point.

It all began after the first lesson they had first met.

She had gotten lightly curious when she first saw his shark teeth and possibly unintentionally -though it was unlikely - surprised him when she marched up to him, pulled his face down, and opened his mouth using his chin. A dark red color immediately spread on his face as he frantically yanked his chin from her tender grip, stuttering horribly as he tried to come up with words. She had laughed along with Sousuke, because he was always watching Rin's humiliation from afar, snickering into the palm of his hand.

"W-What the hell was that for?!?" He finally managed to say, looking at her with shocked, wide eyes. She tilted her head to the side and beamed brightly at him, causing another blush to appear on his cheeks.

"I was curious," She replied simply, "Of your badass teeth!" She clenched her own teeth, normal, straight, and pearly white. But it evolved into more of a cheeky grin. Rin was struck by the adorableness she was projecting, and it took several moments to summon up a reply. "Really? That's it?" He said to her incredulously, unbelievably flustered from her assault of charm. Was it him, or was the room starting to spin?

"Mm!" She lied, flashing him one of her biggest asshole grins. "Hm..." She approached the nervous boy with a mischievous gleam in her bright, candy eyes as she placed her hands on his shoulders and went up to her tiptoes to reach the side of his head. She turned her head so that her lips were hovering by his ear, and whispered flirtatiously,

"But I wonder what they would feel like if I ran my tongue over them as we kissed?"

At the moment, the poor boy had received an overload of her cuteness, and the added seductiveness did not help. He promptly passed out due to a nosebleed caused solely by [Y/n]. Sousuke and some other classmates had rushed him to Samezuka's nurse, who sighed, muttering something about the "peculiarity of youth these days."

"Aw, I hope he's alright." [Y/n] watched from the doorway, acting all soft and concerned despite the massive shit-eating grin plastered all over her face. Sousuke just looked at her, deeply amused. "You'd make a great couple." The devilish girl placed a finger on her lips, pretending to be innocently deep in thought. "Perhaps." She sent Sousuke a knowing smirk, then walked out, closing the door behind her with a satisfying 'click'. Sousuke was almost surprised she didn't get flustered at all, but, he had to remember who he was speaking to here.

The one and only, world-renowned troublemaker, [Y/n] [L/n].

Anyway, back to the present.

"I wanted to test out some pick-up-lines." She flashed him a dazzling grin, and Rin's heart skipped a beat. Mentally scolding himself for being so naïve, he racked his brain for a reply. "Uh..." He was already blushing, and she had hardly done anything. "Okay..."

"Great!" [Y/n] moved her desk in front of his and rested her elbows on the merged tables. Face cupped between soft hands, she looked at him with twinkling eyes.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk in again?"

There was no doubt about it: this was definitely aimed at her and Rin's first encounter. His face turned an unearthly shade of red and his breath caught in his throat, and [Y/n]'s grin only grew wider. "It worked! Thanks, Sharkie." That's it? Really? That's all she was going to say, wasn't it? "Are you messing with me?" His voice came out as a shrill squeal, and [Y/n]'s bubbly laughter rose up. Not her devilish snicker. Real laughter.

"Nah, nah, don't worry." She giggled. "Really, I do think you're hot stuff." That earned her a flick to the forehead which she rightly deserved, because Rin turned even redder if it was physically possible.


Rin took one glance at [Y/n]'s grade results and decided she needed serious help. He dragged her to his dorm to force her to study. "Do you study at all?" He grumbled, keeping an iron grip on her wrist as she struggled. "Of course I do! I just suck at school and ace social interaction!"

Such a typical [Y/n] answer.

Huffing slightly, Rin reached the dorm and flung the door open. He glanced at the scowling girl standing beside him and glaring, and quickly checked her physical shape. No abs or defined muscles on her arms. Good, she'll be easy. Before [Y/n] could make a snarky remark about him looking her up and down, he picked her up by the waist and deposited her on the bed, quickly shutting the door before she could escape.

"You jackass! You can't trap me in here!" She squealed, looking at Rin like he had just murdered her puppy. She really hated studying. Rin scoffed and grabbed some books. "A slacker too, this'll be hard." [Y/n] was about to shoot back a stinging reply, but then a cocky smirk played on her lips. "Why're you even doing this?"

Rin blushed at her smooth tone, but quickly recovered. "Because I'm supposed to be your mentor." She playfully rolled her eyes, but what she did not expect was for Rin to pull his white Samezuka jacket and shirt over his head. She was starting to get thoughts...until he pulled on a black tank top. [Y/n] was trying to get her shit together and regain her composure as he sat down beside her on the bed. Soon enough the bed and floor was littered with books and study sheets, and the [H/c/n] girl was beginning to feel comfortable in a way that she hadn't experienced before.

Sure, she dropped a few flirtatious jokes and teases here and there, and though she thoroughly enjoyed Rin's reactions, she actually felt like she was getting to know him. One time she got lost staring at him, and played it off as a joke when Rin noticed. "What?" The [H/c]-haired girl's heart stopped for a second, but then a devious idea crawled into her mind. "I'm pretty, you're pretty, what do you say we go home and stare at each other?"

Rin just looked at her for a second.

Then they both burst out laughing.

"Good shit fam." [Y/n] snorted, slapping Rin's shoulder in a friendly way. "Let's actually finish studying now so I don't drop out." Her shark-toothed mentor grinned. "Oh, so you're not dying from boredom?" The [H/c/n] crossed her arms, wearing a cocky smirk. "Part one of my plan worked brilliantly." Rin couldn't keep the amusement out of his voice when he spoke again. "What was part two?" She snorted. "I honestly didn't think I would get that far."

They got so lost making fun of each other and joking, they didn't end up doing a whole lot of studying in the end. Clearly awful study buddies, but a great match.

"Okay, this is no use." Rin sighed, but a smile played on his lips. "Let's just do something else. Wanna watch a movie?" Rin picked a sad horror movie, secretly hoping he could scare [Y/n] into his arms, but he ended up having the [H/c]-haired girl pass him a box of tissues when he cried at the emotional scene. "Aw, crybaby." Rin stuttered and tried to respond with a fierce comeback, but it wouldn't come when [Y/n] offered him a sweet smile, looking so amused it hurt.

"Don't worry--" She suddenly broke off, a huge yawn stretching her mouth wide open. "Tired?" It was Rin's turn to be amused as [Y/n] hugged a pillow to her chest, leaning against the bed frame as her hazy [E/c] tried to focus on the bright computer screen they had been watching the movie on. "Too much to go back to my own dorm." Rin didn't know how to respond, just flushed an embarrassed shade of pink as the girl snuggled deeper into the pillow and slid her eyes shut.

She fell asleep, right there on the floor in Rin's dorm.

And as Rin stared, dumbfounded, at the shape of the [H/c]-haired girl gently breathing and clutching his pillow, he decided something in his mind.

"Good night, angel." Rin muttered half-sarcastically as he draped a blanket over her sleeping form, though his voice was filled with fondness. [Y/n]'s breathing was a soft whisper, and she looked so peaceful it was like she was a whole other person.

Not that much of a player, after all...


[Y/n] slapped a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing, but sniggering sounds peeked through her fingers. " look..." She eyed him down, taking in every aspect of the butler costume. She suddenly sauntered up to him, grabbed his tie tightly, and looked at him with the same sly smirk he had grown to love.

"I love you, hot stuff."

And with that, [Y/n] yanked him down to her height by his tie, and pressed her lips against his, making fireworks explode in Rin's stomach. Her lips were ridiculously soft, and if that wasn't enough to turn Rin's face into a tomato, she slid her tongue in, just to tease him. "Sharp..." She whispered when she pulled back slightly for air, though her lips still grazed his.

"W-What...?" Rin stammered, his legs feeling like jelly. Believe it or not, the troublemaker had stolen his first kiss. "Sharp," [Y/n] swiped her tongue over her lips, putting on her best candy eyes. "Your teeth. Remember?"

"But I wonder what they would feel like if I ran my tongue over them as we kissed?"

Rin's face turned an even fierier shade of red and he hastily turned his head away, unable to look at her for a moment longer. "I hate you." [Y/n] leaned forward, putting on a fake pout. "But you didn't deny me..." Rin saw right through the frown. A cheeky grin emerged out of the fake pout, and [Y/n] just crashed her head against his chest, burying her face in the butler costume.

"You'll learn to love me one day-"

"I already have."


Extended Ending:

[Y/n] was straddling Rin's waist as they sat on the floor, lips very much connected. The [H/c]-haired girl leaned back slightly, but her hot breath fanned over his face and her lips were still just touching his. [Y/n] suddenly felt a soft pressure on the fabric of her jeans. "Rin." Seeing him beet red, [Y/n] smirked and looked into his eyes deeply.

"You're hard."

Rin looked like he was about to die of embarrassment, but still scowled at her with a sharp glare in his eyes.

"Thanks for letting me know, [Y/n]."

"Just a friendly reminder."

[Y/n] smirked as she bowled him over, crashing her lips back against his so he could drown in her love instead of his embarrassment.

And suddenly, a song began to echo from [Y/n]'s phone: her ringtone.

'Lips like licorice,

Tongue like candy,

Excuse me miss, but can I get you out your p a n
t i e s--'

"Perfect timing!" [Y/n] purred and smirked, and Rin turned an even darker shade of red and looked as if he was about to die of embarrassment.

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