We've Come A Long Way [Makoto x F!Reader]

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A/n: Slight trigger warning I guess? Depression plays a big part in this one-shot. And I'm sorry if you weren't planning for art to be your career choice, I just needed to pick one randomly. Yeah, this one-shot really sucks. It's basically just talking about half of the last episode of Dive Into The Future, and there's no serious Makoto x Reader action. Sorry, I just felt like publishing this because it's been hanging around as a draft and it kind of gets on my nerves. I don't really know anymore.


"Huh?! That's crazy!" Nagisa exclaimed, magenta eyes stretching wide. "It's true..." Makoto said gently, a good-hearted smile pulling at his lips as he continued to cook. "Incredible! You're saying it was Haruka's first time swimming and he swam crawl without even being taught how?" Makoto closed his eyes, still smiling. "That's what happened. A full twenty-five metres-"

He had only just finished his sentence, causing everyone to gasp, when the doorbell rang. Makoto's face lit up, and he looked like he would die from happiness on the spot, right there in the middle of frying some eggs. "Hold on! Rei, can you take over for a second?" Not giving Rei time to answer, Makoto threw off his apron and rushed away, heading straight for the door.

Curious, Nagisa peeked around the corner to see Makoto tightly hugging a really pretty [H/c]-haired, [E/c]-eyed girl, and they were so close their noses were touching. "I can't believe you're back from America!" Makoto exclaimed joyfully, and the girl beamed and pushed her face into his chest, looking like she was on the verge of tears. "Me neither, to be honest."

Then Makoto noticed Nagisa gawking at them. "Oh, sorry! Guys, this is my girlfriend, [Y/n]." Rei instantly appeared, hopefully after making sure someone else was going to manage the eggs in his place. Poor Shizuru. "Wait, you mean that [Y/n]?" The girl turned around and grinned, her eyes bright. "Yep! That [Y/n]!"

Rei had a flashback to once in elementary school when he was partnered with a certain [H/c]-haired, [E/c]-eyed girl for a project...

"[Y/n]-chan!" Nagisa remembered her as well and shot forward to squeeze the life out of her. She and Nagisa's moms had been friends, and they had met when they were really young. "What is this, a sappy reunion?" [Y/n] giggled, freeing herself from Nagisa with help from Makoto, who she kissed on the nose straight after.

"Adorable." Ayumu murmured solemnly, lowering her camera and making Makoto turn red from embarrassment.


[Y/n] caught sight of the group of people that had to be Makoto's friends, and instantly felt her shyness overwhelm her. She was wearing a pink crop top and a high-waisted black skirt along with some ankle boots, and felt horribly self-conscious about it all. She was procrastinating over ditching the plan and apologizing to Makoto afterwards for missing the first day of the All-Japan, when said boyfriend saw her and waved. "Hey, [Y/n]!"

"U-Um!" She slowly shuffled over, right hand gripping her left arm nervously as she glanced upwards. Makoto blushed, then laid a hand on her head and offered her a dazzling smile. "You look great."

"Aw, she's so adorable!" Gou squealed. "You're [Y/n], aren't you?" The [H/c]-haired girl nodded rapidly, flushing with embarrassment. "Do you like muscles?" Isuzu squealed, getting all up in her face, and poor [Y/n] just smiled anxiously at her. "I-I guess..."

"Welcome to the fandom!" Gou squealed, and the Iwatobi swim club and Makoto sweat-dropped as she and Isuzu squished her in a hug. "H-Help..."

[Y/n] saw who had to be the Samezuka team from a little further away, and turned even redder. She wasn't the one who had approved the outfit: [F/n] had. No idea why, she just felt like she was showing too much skin even though she really wasn't.

"Woah, that girl with the [H/c] hair is so cute! Who even is tha-"

"[Y/n]'s Makoto's girl, Momo, so don't even think about."

"I didn't know Makoto had a girlfriend!"

[Y/n] actually knew Rin and Sousuke from childhood, and hadn't seen them in a while, so Makoto, being the good boyfriend he was, was just keeping it a secret so they could surprise her. Well, more specifically, so Rin could surprise her, since Sousuke had clearly already spotted her.

Just a few moments later...

"H-Hey! Rin! L-Let me go! M-Makoto, h-help!" Rin had lifted poor [Y/n] into the air and was swinging her around, laughing with no mercy while the [E/c]-eyed girl was scared for her life.


"Makoto..." [Y/n] gripped the material of her boyfriend's shirt, and he looked down at her in surprise. "What is it, [Y/n], are you alright?" God, his kindness just made her twice as nervous. "This is kind of scary...You said the All-Japan is really important and impacts basically all of you're friends career paths and dreams, and just the possibility of them losing that sounds terrifying..."

Makoto's slanted emerald-green eyes widened. He knew [Y/n] had always been shaky about the future, because she had been declined to several universities and had to practically give up on her dream of becoming an artist, so all she could do now was try and find a job and work on her drawing skills alone. He could tell she really didn't want anyone else to go through that kind of pain.

"I know, but just think of how it feels to finally achieve that dream...even if you've been going at it for a while...you'd know that all your hard work has been worth it after all..."

And of course [Y/n] got overly emotional and shed a few tears.


At seeing Ikuya and Natsuya, both who she didn't know, make up and hug at the end of the race [Y/n] burst into tears, being the overly emotional kind of person when it came to touching moments. "[Y/n]-chan, are you crying?" Nagisa exclaimed in confusion from the bleachers behind her, while Makoto just chuckled gently and tried to calm her down.

"I-It's just great when p-people make up..." She mumbled, desperately trying to wipe her tears.

But of course that was a wasted effort because she was brought to tears again just by watching Rin swim.

And cried out of fear when she saw that really fucking creepy guy with the orange hair beat Hiyori and Asahi.

Oh, and when Haru lost.

"[Y/n] really is a crier..." Rei observed, though it was all in good jest. [Y/n] was now dampening Makoto's shirt with her tears while he slowly patted her head, wondering how emotional his girlfriend could get just by watching people swim. This was scarier than a horror movie, and that isn't even a joke, no matter whether you find horror movies scary or not.

[Y/n] was watching some of Makoto's closest friends compete in races that would impact their entire future, and that thought was just scary, if you really think about it. Her career path had been torn to shreds because of her depression, which made her too unmotivated to even try to be successful. Many people could argue with that and say it was her own fault for not bothering, but it was insanely difficult when paranoia and anxiety was eating her up from the inside, making her think everyone hated her and thought she was a disappointment and much more.

The pressure and stress was just too much for her.

So, she practiced her drawing skills non-stop at home, barely making enough time for her own health. Makoto eased her out of it before she could collapse and have an intense burnout, but [Y/n] was still an emotional mess when she was watching other's lives unfold in front of her.


"Hey, Haru! Over here, c'mon!"

[Y/n] barely reacted when Haru was called over by Nagisa, as she was currently being half-teased by all of Makoto's friends for getting so emotional; she could only defend herself weakly. "Great swimming today." Rei complimented the freestyle swimmer as he approached, but as Nagisa rambled about getting dinner, Haru's attention was pinpointed on [Y/n], who was still sniffling and accepting the tissue Makoto was offering her.

"God, I'm ridiculous..." The [H/c]-haired girl blew her nose.

Makoto just chuckled softly.

He knew [Y/n] would figure her future out one day, and he would stick right beside her all the way.


"You really did cry when I swam, didn't you?" Rin grinned at [Y/n] and she squirmed, highly embarrassed. "H-Hey...I cried when everyone swam..." Makoto laughed slightly, earning himself a pout from the [H/c]-haired girl. "Why, though?" She met Haru's ocean-blue gaze with sudden calmness, though shame shadowed her eyes.

"I...um...well..." She took a deep breath, memories skimming through her eyes like minnows. "So...seeing you all swim in the races that would seriously impact your entire future just made me really emotional because...I...got rejected from several universities and kind of...gave up on my own future. SAo...yeah...seeing you all compete like that..." Her eyes became glassy once more. "...I just don't want anyone else to go through that kind of failure, I guess..."

She looked at the sunset reflecting on the water while all three guys stared at her, dumbfounded at her explanation. [Y/n] managed a laugh. "So...just don't fail on me, okay?"

"Pfff-Like we would!" Rin ruffled her hair, causing her to squeak and squeal about him messing up said hair while Makoto and Haru just smiled at them. The two had known each other for a while, so it was kind of touching to see them still best friends to this day.

[Y/n] half-listened to the trio's conversation after that, though she was right in the middle of them and could hear every word. She wondered about her own future. Maybe she could manage to-

"Bring it on, world!"

Then Haru started to yell stuff before running off towards the ocean?

"C'mon, let's go too!"

Wait, hold on, what the fuck-

"What is this, some kind of teen drama? Wait up!"


"Come on, [Y/n]!"

"No way I'm doin that-"

But she was forced to, because with Rin and Makoto's strength combined they easily dragged her into the water with them. "Bffff-" She spluttered, feeling the water soak into her clothes and make her black skirt swish around. "What was that for?!" She shrieked, though she wasn't nearly as loud as Haru was.

"Don't resist the water..." She swore she heard Haru whisper, and she wasn't sure whether to laugh or choke on said water that was currently trying to get inside her mouth. [Y/n] coughed, grabbing onto Makoto and Rin's sleeves to stop herself from drowning. "Did you guys just fall asleep?" [Y/n] muttered after a few moments, rapidly looking to each guy, who were all floating gently on the water, eyes-closed.


[Y/n] muttered angrily as she relaxed into the water with them, but a secret smile curved her lips.

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