Nervous Flyer [Rin x F!Reader]

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"Okay, [Y/n]! This is the day. You. Die."

[Y/n] chirped in an eerily cheerful tone to herself as she plopped down in her seat, not caring who heard. [Y/n] hated flying. Like, period. It was probably the worst position she could let herself be put in. And this time she was flying back to Japan from [Country] ALONE. And she just felt like wailing "MOMMYYYY-" all through security and all that.

So, [Y/n] had resorted to worriedly staring out of the window and sweat-dropping, saluting the earth she was certain she was about to be removed from forever. She hardly even felt it when someone sat beside her. When the plane began to maneuver around the tarmac, [Y/n] was at the bottom of despair. Head in her hands, leaned forward slightly, entire body shaking, completely defeated and helpless. She began to regret this whole thing.

Why did she think she could do this alone? This could have all been easily avoided if she had just--

"Hey, are you okay?"

Flinching, [Y/n] turned her head and peeked through her fingers.

It was the guy sitting beside her.

He was undeniably good-looking, had reddish-purple hair, apple-red eyes, unusual shark teeth and a slightly concerned expression. And he looked slightly familiar in a weird way, because the currently-terrified girl swore she had never met him. [Y/n] snapped her fingers once as she removed one hand from her face. "Hold on, don't tell me your name's Rin."

"Actually, it is-"

"Matsuoka? Come to think of it, you really fit Gou's description..." She leaned forward slightly, realizing she had got it spot-on. [Y/n]'s best friend, Gou, had often told her about her older brother, and it was just a coincidence they had been given seats beside each other. Because life had to be cliché all of a sudden, they hit it off immediately. Until the plane was about to start taxiing on the runway.

"Don't like flights?" [Y/n] winced at the teasing undertone in Rin's voice. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Here, these might distract you."

Making [Y/n]'s heart stop for a second, Rin gently pushed her hair out of her face and away from her ears, then placed some earphones. Before he played the song, he offered his hand, and [Y/n] hesitantly obliged, still embarrassed. But her embarrassment was soon forgotten when the plane surged forward.

The [H/c]-haired girl squeaked in a tiny voice and dug her face into Rin's sleeve, trying to focus on the melody thumping in her ears and the warmth of the shark-toothed swimmer she was using for protection.

And, believe it or not, she hardly felt it when the plane took off.

𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚! 𝙫𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 || one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now