Chapter 51

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Don't hate me,

Just take a deep breath

And everything is gonna be fine

And yeah- play the music.



I craved the ocean.The want to just feel the cold breeze.The powerful sound of waves crashing against each other.Their sound strong and powerful that ones heart could stop.The thunderous effect of the water with the winds.

The salty smell of the air that touches the skin with a soft caress each time it moves.The goosebumps that raise on the skin or when the hair at the back of the neck stands in fright and fear, or with excitement.

I could define Ocean as excitement and fear both.

Ocean could excite and scare me at the same time.

I sighed wrapping my arms around myself, the pencil rolling on the hard surface of the wooden table.Leaning back on the office chair, I looked around the silent office room.My husband had permitted me to sit in this room, to read and write anything I wanted.And fortunately the shelves staked with books had some decent biography and poems expect for the business management books and what not.

If something about this room attracted me, it was the wall adorned with the photo frames.The memories of my husband only dear to me.How beautifully they were framed and how happily they were hanged.Each photo telling a story of its own.The smiling faces reflecting love that they held for each other.

The soft rings of my phone distracted me.Standing up from the chair, I left the room.Unplugging the charger, I looked at the name shining on the screen.

Aunty Shahana

Smiling to myself, I slid the green button standing by the foot of the bed.

" Assalam O Alaikum."I greeted happily.Something I had not done in a few months.

Silence is what replied me.Suddenly the room seemed to be closing on me as I whispered,

" Aunty-"

A choke sounded making my heart beats to quicken.

" Amal , hayee Amal-"She cried in the phone, the sounds only palpitating my heart.My stomach twisted in a bad way.The knots tightening in my stomach as I anticipated her words,

" What happened-"I asked in a shaky whisper, gripping the phone tightly feeling it slip from my hand.

" Amal-"She cried again.

And the next words she spoke flipped my world upside down.My heart falling in the pit of my stomach.My legs giving up as I sat back on the soft mattress of the bed.The breaths in my body squishing me now.

The Amal that was soaring high in the sky a few minutes ago had now clashed against the hard ground.

As Aunty spoke in the phone, I remained paralyzed.Pulling myself together in a few minutes, I took my bag and keys before walking out of the apartment.

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