Chapter 27

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Mark returns home, frustrated. He runs his fingers through his hair, but instantly pauses in his footsteps when realizing how dark and quiet the house was. Maybe nobody is home?

He takes a few short steps towards the stairs, but there's suddenly a precipitous shatter noise that comes from the kitchen. It causes him to jerk slightly in shock. He knows that sounds.

The sound of... glass.

He swears under his breath knowing that whatever ended up broken his mom was going to scold him. Hopefully, it wasn't something too value.

He stumbles into the kitchen, flicking on the lights with a touch of a finger. At the sight, he can't help but groan at the situation in front of him.

As if today wasn't stressing enough.

"Y/N, you didn't..."

There you are, sitting down on the kitchen floor with your back against the cabinets. A wine bottle rest between your dainty fingers. Your eyes squint due to the bright light since you've been sitting in the dark for an hour or two.

You raise a hand to shield your sensitive eyes from the blinding blaze. You're groaning, face moderately flushed. Basically you look like shit.

And of course lying right beside you lies Mark's mother's precious wine glasses.

You're drunk.

When you were left alone in the house, you were pretty bored. You called Jungwoo, but he couldn't come over and of course Sana is still ill. You have no other friends except them.

You were lonely.

The whole time you pretty much pondered around, but then you had an urge  to have one more taste of what was in that bottle.

That one more taste turned into quaffing down almost half the bottle. You and your stupid mind couldn't help yourself. After all you're a curious girl.

You glance up at the boy in front you, a soft giggle escaping your lips. "Oh, it's you..." You slur, throwing your head back.

Mark sighs, crouching down to meet you. He  shakes his head and frowns at your condition.

"You promised me you wouldn't drink again." He says, sounding somewhat perturbed.

"D-Do I know you..?" You eye him suspiciously, almost playfully.

He only rolls his eyes in response. "Princess, don't play stupid with me." He declares. "Look what you did."

You pout, scrutinizing the broken glass pieces around you. In your eyes, you didn't see a problem.

"I didn't do it..." You announce innocently.

Mark only closes his eyes and puffs out to calm himself down. He didn't want to get angry at you for something you barely had control of. This is what most drunk people do sometimes.

Destroy things. Say things. Sometimes they even tell the truth.

All he has to do is take care and watch over you until you're sober. That's all. And then he's free. He doesn't want to get himself worked up over all this.

"Let's get you upstairs." He tries to help you up, but only for his hand to be smacked away.

"Don't touch me!" You hiss.

And that's when he snaps.

"What's your problem?" He inquires, slightly raising his voice.

"You!" You yell back, pointing your finger directly in his face. "You're my problem!"

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