Chapter 3 : Priorities

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S C A R L E T T   E V E R S 

Sophomore Year

MOST eyes were on Scarlett when she entered school. She loved the newly found attention from the popular kids and soon enough got herself a seat at the table, right beside a juniors and seniors. All thanks to Ashley giving her tighter tops and skinnier jeans. 

Jennifer became one of her closest friends in the space of a few weeks. Her status of being a well-known junior gained major popularity amongst the sophomore year and Scarlett adored everything about Jen.

From a certain amount of weeks ago when Parker Davis officially became single up until this very day, Ash has been over to help Scarlett catch her crushes attention. She introduced her to Jennifer and they instantly hit it off. After all... Jennifer needed someone to continue her legacy. It would take longer for Scarlett to figure out what that legacy was.

Ashley listened intently to what their maths teacher said about Pythagoras theorem, Scarlett wrote down everything he said into short notes that she would revise later in the library. "Scarlett."

"One sec Ash."Putting the lid on her highlighter she nodded for Ashley to continue.

"You dont need to always be studying, take a break for once. Also come to a party tonight."

"I cant Ash, I haven't had dinner with Jace for a while so we are gonna have burgers tonight. You can come if you want?" Scarlett smiled at the thought of her twin and her having dinner like they did before. She loved eating til their bellies were full then laughing at Jace giving in to do the washing up. He asked her every night to have dinner but Ash or Jen would phone until she couldn't be bothered to go eat. 

"You're seriously going to eat fat foods? Come on Scarlett, you haven't lost enough weight to put more on. Im saying that as your best friend." Scarlett let Ashley's words sink in. Once class finished, they walked towards the cafeteria to meet their friends.

"Whats on your mind Scar?" Jennifer nudged her out of her daze.

"Do you think Im skinny Jen?" Scarlett asked, following her to the food line. 

"I think you were fat until I became your friend. Now Scar, remember that you're beautiful however big or thin you are, in you case you're on the big side." Scarlett frowned at her role models words "I mean you do hang with us and we are all thin so you are like our cute fat friend!" Jennifer chuckled and Scarlett joined in ignoring people in the line snickering. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment as Parker made a bloated face to his friends. "If it wasn't for Ash begging me to let you join there would be no way you could sit with us but theres potential in you." Jennifer noticed Parker joking about her comment and a sly smirk made its way onto her face.

 "How about this; if you're so worried about your looks then I will personally teach you my ways and we can see from there." Scarlett smiled widely, stepping forward to grab a tray when Jennifer tugged her out the food line "Rule number on, do NOT eat greasy fatty foods."

Last period went by and Scarlett left the school to head to brothers best friend Novas car, like she usually did. She got on well with Nova because he would always let Scarlett join their games when they were younger. That all died down when Daena arrived. Or as Scarlett liked to call her, Daena from Denmark. True fact.

At their young age, Scarlett fell madly in love with Parker and would be his only attention. Daena from Denmark came at a young age too yet she observed Parker like he was an untouchable art-piece from a distance only. Daena wormed her way into Jace's heart, taking Nova with him. Although Daena was still like a sister to Scarlett, she found herself always becoming a second to Jace and so; nine years old, Scarlett had to find her own friends,   in an attempt to be first to someone, she went to the mall with her Aunt Janet on a school supply shopping spree and found herself Ashley White. 

Nova waved at Scarlett, she returned the gesture smiling. "Scar!" Someone called. Directing her attention to Jennifer who sat next to Ashley and anther junior friend in a black car, they summoned Scarlett over to which she obliged "You coming to the party tonight?"

"Sorry Jen, no." 

"Shes eating burgers with her brother." Ashley voiced in disgust from the passenger seat. 

"Really Scar? We talked about this." Jennifer cut off Scarletts reply rolling her eyes "Have fun with your brother and his loser friends and may I remind you that one of his friends stole your man. No wonder she wants you to eat burgers." Scarlett glanced over at Daena who had her eyes fixated on her ex. "Shes even using your brother to get Parker jealous." The girls in the car laughed and Scarlett found herself hating Daena more. "Text me if you're coming to the party or staying home with attention seeking bitches."

They drove off leaving Scarlett absorbing their words. She marched to Novas car and slammed the door shut to the passenger seat knowing thats where Daena sat. "Lottie..." Nova used his nickname for her as Jace and Daena slid into the back seats exchanging confused looks.

"Cara you know thats not your-"

"Not today Satan." Scarlett shot daggers at her twin. Daena touched his arm for him to forget it and Scarlett scoffed at her manipulation. 

"Burgers tonight." Jace said using a genuine smile, he patted Novas chair excitedly. "Cara hasn't made burgers in ages you guys should stay for dinner." They accepted hooting enthusiastically like football players do on pitch. 

"Im going to a party." Scarlett announced remembering Jennifer's rule of no greasy fat foods. She ignored their frustrated sighs texting Jennifer her plans. A thumbs-up emoji later and Jace said "Lets go too."

Scarlett could not let her brother gate crash her party. She knew Parker was going to be there and wanted to impress him with the dress Ashley sent her a picture off, no way was her brother going to accept that style of clothing. "Parker's going to be there and I dont think it would be wise to have Daena feel awkward, you know, considering he'll be sucking other girls faces off." She lied knowing not even Daena could change their minds now.

After all, Daena was always top priority. 

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