Chapter 23 : A Jump

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Senior Year

PEOPLE still moved out her way when she strutted into school holding more power than ever.

It was the first day of senior year and Scarlett was at the top of the schools hierarchy. She laughed to herself about the way Jennifer seemed to have disappeared off everyone's radar. If you asked about her now, people would say that her time was over when Scarlett and Ashley spilt their trays on them. It was petty drama that washed away when the school year ended.

Scarlett made her way to her locker, she gave a small smile to Ruby and let people buzz about that. Her new high heels gave more confidence as she neatly placed her bag in her locker. Nothing could stop her smile growing when the hands around her hips swivelled her to face him. Scarlett wrapped her arms round his neck pulling him closer to her "Hows your first day as a senior?"

"Better with you here." He was into all those cringe replies but that made her love him more. The guy she relied on. The one that treated her like a normal person when they met. He helped her get over Parker when they talked early mornings and discussed their futures late at night. Scarlett gazed into his eyes, his beautiful forest green eyes and leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on his lips.

The kiss turned more passionate and they had to pull away because they were still in school. People already begun whispering about her boyfriend. Not like anyone knew him anyway they wouldn't bother.

Ashley came into view as she squealed and engulfed Scarlett into a hug. They saw each other almost everyday during the holidays. Ashley winked at her then grimaced at the man she just kissed. Scarlett didn't like that Ashley hated her boyfriend but who cares? He was hers. To anger her best friend even more, Scarlett turned back to wrap her arms round his neck and this time, he pulled her into a kiss. To dig it in more, Scarlett slipped her tongue inside to take charge.

He was hers.

She opened her eyes and watched Ashley walk away. Scarlett smiled against him then her eyes flickered around the room quickly. She connected her eyes and guilt rushed in, Nova clenched his jaw, slammed his locker shut and stormed off. Scarlett pulled away from Milo. He glanced back "Nova gone?"


"Good." He said then kissed her tenderly on the forehead "Hes a dick anyway."

Scarlett appreciated Milo in many ways. She had the best summer with him and couldn't believed how far they'd grown together from being two people who resented each other to drunken mistakes and finally a couple. One that survived Ashley's hatred, Jace's work disapproval and most importantly Nova Crowlin. She was proud to have someone that anchored her and knew that even if she did wrong, this was right. It felt right.

Holding her hand changed her focus back onto Milo. The empty corridor that they walked down had give her a new start. "See you at lunch?"

"See you there."


When lunch rolled in, Scarlett waited patiently outside Ashleys' classroom. She played a game on her phone to ignore Nova who also waited for Jace. They hadn't spoken about that night since Scarlett left his car sobbing. She couldn't even look into his eyes but knew that she had to.

Everyone in school knew what went down between them. Multiple people knew what happened because it happened publicly. At a stupid house party thrown by Parker Davis. Funny how he always seemed innocent in situations but Scarlett shouldn't have been there. It was for Daena. She shouldn't have been there anyway but who could refuse a party that the schools golden boy threw?

Jennifers' face when she stepped through that day was one that she wouldn't forget. It made her laugh thinking of how her face turned pale and how Jennifer actually thought Scarlett would be a nobody when she left. Priceless. Though she wouldn't forget Nova's face. Scarlett couldn't ever think of removing that image from her mind, she wanted it gone and knew there was no way out of it.

Nova should've been holding her and kissing her.

No, Scarlett was happier with Milo. She made him forget everything that happened. Almost. A part of her knew the rumours were circulating more than ever when she kissed Milo this morning. People passed Nova an Scarlett slowly. They wanted her to have an outburst like she did with Jennifer. they wanted her to slap him...again.

Scarlett couldn't do that to Nova. A part of her still loved his gorgeous face and didn't want to risk leaving a red hand print on it. She needed him as a reminder that not everything is permanent. Not everything is the way it should have been.

So she lifted her gaze to meet his own already on her. He could tell she was nervous. Scared? Sorry? Scarlett forgot how well Nova actually knew her. Not well enough. Nova ripped his gaze away to the classroom door as it opened and Scarlett could feel the tears build up already. She had no right to cry. Scarlett wouldn't cry over this.

She was happy with Nova.

She is happy with Milo.

No matter what went down from the days that followed that party, Scarlett would hold her head up high. She would focus on her grades and Milo. Scarlett would pretend that when Ashley and Jace came out the classroom looking awkward at the two of them, she would pretend like this didn't hurt her. Ashley gave Nova a look- probably one to apologise. Sorry for your break-up. Ashley gave loads of those looks to Nova. Ashley also gave loads of disappointing looks to Milo. She hated him for whatever reason and Scarlett was okay with that if it meant Ashley stayed by her side. They were best friends and hadn't spoken about what happened yet.

Scarlett asked for space. Ashley gave space.

Then Scarlett starts dating Milo and Ashley lets them be because shes waiting for a moment to talk to Scarlett. They both knew it. Let Scarlett experiment before they have a chat. Let her grasp the situation and cry at night about it. Let her do that alone because she wanted space.

Jace was the only person who confused everyone right now. He was the one that acted as if nothing happened by going with Nova to lunch after saying a quick 'hi'. That hurt Scarlett because she couldn't figure him out. At least she knew what Nova was thinking. At least she knew roughly why Ashley was mad.

People already whispered things about their break-up. They pulled nasty faces at them and sympathetic ones to Milo. It wasn't his fault. Nova was the one who deserved all the gossip. Hearing bad things would do him some good. Hear what people said about the break-up and let him jump onto the next girl for another distraction.


Thats all the kiss was. He was distracting himself from Scarlett. From all the drama that followed her. He could run a motel with his new girlfriend for all she cared. Scarlett had Milo now.

She was going to be whoever she wanted to this year.

No Jennifer to dictate her moves. No Daena to annoy her. No Parker Davis to pine over.

She was going to be Scarlett Evers.

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