Chapter 33 : I Met His Girlfriend

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Senior Year

MASON didn't fight back. Scarlett knew it was because he thought he deserved this. Up to this point, Jace had been quiet about everything that happened and now he was punching her boyfriend. One hit would've been allowed but Jace grabbed Masons collar slamming his fist into his face multiple times before Scarlett comprehended what actually was happening and decided to place herself in between the two. Mason had his fists clenched ready to fight back when her arms wormed their way in, managing to separate the two whilst she cursed as if they were the only words she could speak. Which was truly the case at this moment because of the shock that struck her suddenly.

They were separated so that Scarlett could wrap her head around the situation immediately turning her back on Mason to yell at Jace. He listened to her confused cursing and Scarlett was surprised that nobody had heard their brawl from the pool. "Jace what the hell were you thinking?!" She yelled, her brown hair shielding her from whoever walked through the door. All Scarlett's attention was focused on Jace's blood covered hands that belonged to the man huffing from the side. "I said what were you thinking?!" She whisper shouted careful not to follow her instincts from and aid her little brothers wound immediately.

He glanced to the side seeming to calm down his breathing with not much control as his eyes ignited with rage and Scarlett held her own defence cautiously lifting her hand in case of another fight. The act seemed wise until Jace pretended to walk back outside past Jane who had entered. Scarlett followed his moves anxiously. Her shout of his name echoed the others attention when Jace crossed his path and Mason bolted to the scene landing a punch on Jace's laughing face "So you can fight back? Hit me again!". Jace seethed behind the barrier of Jane's arms that pushed him back. "You picked him?" he question was directed at Scarlett who dug her nails into her cocooned hand.

Mason left the scene taking her hand in his, she leaned her head against his chest briefly absorbing the laughter of Jace "Get out of here." She whispered at him. He laughed again and Scarlett withdrew from Mason stepping right in her brothers face "Get out of here Jace." She spat.

"Why? So you can fuck another guy who would drop you for someone better?Anyone better." Her hand imprinted his face in a red burning pain. The room somehow became more silent except for the gasp of Nova that both Scarlett and Jace ignored as their eyes burned into each other. "You're exactly like the person we call mother.Do me a favour and leave like she did too."

"Go cool down." Jane's voice demanded from the side. She spoke to Jace but his eyes never left Scarletts'. Mason shoved back to the side to be aided by Courtney. "Jace. Go.Cool.Down." Jane said gritting her teeth and he turned to walk away. Once the figure of her twin brother disappeared upstairs with Jane and Nova, Scarlett only had the patience for so little and waved off the attention Courtney started giving her out of pure spite as she headed straight for Mason and kissed him on his damaged lip carefully. She rested her forehead against his tuning everyone else out.

Except for a little questioning voice that forced her eyes open a moment later.

Scarlett twisted her body, leaning back onto Mason to greet the girl who stood timidly in her kitchen.Mason circled his arms resting them on Scarletts waist. The girls short hair bounced in a way that suited her completely and under Scarlett's judging eyes, her confidence shrunk as she attempted to hide some of her body that she clearly had some past issues about due to the way she carried herself. Looking for confirmation about who this person was, Scarlett asked Ashley out loud. Ashley informed that this girl was Jace's girlfriend and nobody could deny that stab that pierced through Scarlett's heart when she saw the pure look of hatred in her best friends eyes. Scarlett didn't really know how to handle this situation; she could either embrace the girl that had done nothing wrong or stick to her bitchy persona in an attempt to earn back her friendship with Ashley.

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