Chapter 14 : A Sweet Reminder

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Junior Year

PARKER followed Jace into the modern building. Leading the way with confidence that began slipping away by the second, Jace flashed an anxious smile at the receptionist who rolled his eyes in return. They pass through the lobby of the hotel searching for an elevator and stop to take everything in once reaching it.

"Jace just so you-"

"Dont talk to me Davis." Jace snapped ignoring his building nerves by clicking the elevator button again. He listened to his breathing only and focused on that instead of creating any sort of conversation that brings pain to himself.

"Im just-"

"Are you still talking?!" Jace squeaked from his heart racing pressing the button again. "This thing has to hurry or Im going to have to take the stairs and I am not in the mood to get leg-aches." His voice rose as he avoided loosening his tie. Must stay professional to show actually display seriousness. Jace repeated that in his head ignoring Parker poking his arm. "What?!"

"Its out of service." Parker pointed to an- out of service- sign stuck on top of all the lifts. Jace grumbled under his breath climbing up every step of these stairs that clearly belong in a tower that has a demon for a ruler.

Demon described this person very well.

They reached the top after stopping many times for Parker to tell Jace to quit complaining "They can build stairs but cant spend a few pocket change on a nice pack of chocolate mousse?!"

"Evers if you dont shut your rambling mouth I will-"

"-Build a load of stairs and get me to climb them until I die?" For a moment Jace had to question himself. He was an entirely different person when it came to stairs and feared that the schools most powerful student, in his year, would expose him in an embarrassing way. Surprised by Parker shaking his head laughing, Jace walked first down the corridor reaching a fancy door and scoffing at the words 'IMAGO SUITE'

"A suite for a Queen. She's actually a stubborn-"The door opened allowing Jace to choose his next words wisely "Mother! So great to see you after so long."

"Jace darling go take a seat inside." He followed her instructions scrutinising everything in this beautiful hotel room- suite.

Sitting on a white leather sofa, Jace refused to eat a sweet that sat on a cute white bowl on a fancy glass table. Eventually- after 0.07 seconds- he gave in and half the sweets remained in the bowl with a load of wrappers hidden underneath. Shuffling uncomfortable on he sofa, Parker entered the room a second later immediately going to eat a sweet.

"Your mother is a scary woman." Parker said popping another sweet into his mouth.

"This is not a bonding experience Davis, I still haven't forgotten how you treated Cara or Daena."

"Because you care sooo much about your loving twin." Parker smiled "Shes a cruel girl who just wants a good night."

"Don't speak about Daena like that." Jace chuckled remembering yesterday when Daena snuggled next to him on his bed after kicking Nova out the room. There was something very different in the way she acted around him now that Scarlett started getting more popular.

"Don't say that I called my ex that." Parker whispered angrily.

"This is why I do not speak to you Davis, I don't know how anyone would find you attractive." Jace said.

"So a mysterious smoker who skips classes and is oblivious to girls who swoon over him is ten times more attractive than the schools highest achiever and top sportsman?" Parker questioned

"Girls look at me?"

"And Leo from Biology does. Thats how I know you're status because I sit next to the guy and he never shuts up about you. Give him a wink when you walk past to stop him going on fantasy talks whilst Im trying to learn about dissection." Jace laughed at the thought of Parker having to hear romantic stories about him.

"Didn't he love you?" Jace asked.

"Yes." Parker said drifting into a time of remembrance that made Jace laugh more.

" I see you boys are getting along." The demon stated plopping herself into a chair opposite them.

"All good things must come to an end, isn't that right Davis?"Jace smiled passing a sweet to Parker.

"You are most certainly correct Evers." Parker agreed unwrapping the sweet.

"That also reminds me of why we called to meet here," Jace reminded them "Coming in suits though, I dont know why you asked for that mother."

"Well I cant have two immature boys showing up to a five-star hotel wearing inappropriate clothes." His mother responded grabbing a sweet from the bowl.

"Well how about a stressed out father wearing his hard-earned suit, walking in on his wife doing inappropriate things to his boss." Jace breathed heavily loosening his tie.

"And it was very immature of you to be doing that nasty man whilst Mr Evers was attending a marriage therapy session for two and had to convince my father- his best friend- that his wife was on a late business trip coming back from England when she was actually cumming on another man Mrs Evers." Parker vented.

"Very good pun Davis." Jace applauded reaching his hand out for Parker to shake.

"Why thank you Evers." Parker said shaking his hand with visible anger.

Jace did feel pity that his father had spent so much time with Parker's dad that he had become best friends with him. According to Parker they were hanging out all the time which would explain his absence from Jace's house.

"I have no idea what any of you awful boys are talking about." Jace snorted at his mothers mask that Scarlett had acquainted over these past weeks. Although he did not know what Scarlett held behind her mask, he deciphered that his mother had a look of pure disappointment. But no, she wasn't disappointed in herself for cheating. It was for getting caught by one of her children. Jace contained his anger as he watched her chew on her sweet looking innocent.

He had seen it that day his father got mad at him for causing a fight, he saw the pain in his fathers eyes. The look of fear that his children would leave him without knowing the full truth simply because they were closer to their mother. He hid away too many days in his study and feared that in court that would hold a weight over his head. Instead of trying to save his relationship though, Mr Evers started distancing already to lessen the pain.

Jace had seen one of his fathers futures already. Now he could change it to a brighter one.

"No amount of sweets will ever cover the bullshit coming out of your mouth."

Jace left her speechless feeling not at all any better.

He would have to be more careful about what he says around Parker in case it would bite him back in the ass.

Jace would have to be a lot more careful around most people as of now.

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