Chapter 38 : I Can Barely See The Sky

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J A C E  E V E R S 

Senior Year

HE waited patiently for Ashley. She texted him to meet him and he dropped everything to speak to her. Jane and Courtney spoke to him briefly this morning claiming they had discovered something horrific. The line went dead after that so to distract himself from overthinking, Nova watched a movie with him then left to help his sibling paint the bathroom whilst their dad was away. Jace checked his watch one more time, tapping his foot in the silent house. He spent last night sleeping at Parker's-who had cancelled on a date with Dana to back a cake with Jace. They ended up baking three cakes before the stress left Jace. He smiled at the pictures they took on his phone together, covered in flour Jace noticed that every time he'd been with Parker, there was always a reason to smile.

Jace couldn't document all the times they'd been together, he couldn't tell anyone or even include it in his thoughts... it wasn't acceptable. 

He sighed scrolling through the pictures when the name 'Parker' flashed his screen and in a panic he picked it up "H-hello?"

"Umm Jace? Did you hear?"Parker asked timidly.

"No. Did I hear what?" A knock sounded from the door, Parker went quiet as Jace went to open it revealing Ashley. He let her in deciding on continuing the phone conversation or not. He wanted to but the sight of Ashley made him hang up much to Parkers protests.  "Ash..."

"Jace I'm pregnant." She said with tears running down her face as she sat on the couch waiting for him to reply. He couldn't though, the words weren't processed fast enough. "Im pregnant Jace. With our child." 

His mind replayed the night eight months ago. Over summer at Parker's party before everything kicked off. 

Completely sober both of them were. She had wanted to leave because it was boring but he came with Nova and Nova was waiting downstairs for Scarlett. Jace slipped an arm round Ashley's waist to guide her away from the noise into Parker's parents bedroom because people (Scarlett and Mason) were in his actual room. The intentions were never to sleep with Ashley, for him it was so she could lie down and get some rest without being harassed. Ashley sat on the edge of the bed fiddling with her bracelet nervously. Jace had asked her what was wrong and in an instant her lips were on his. It was electrifying. It was what they both wanted. They both laughed when each of them pulled away to ask for permission. 

Their clothes were a mess on the floor and their bodies were entwined together in slumber by the time the sound of shouting startled them awake. Their clothes were once again back on and they left the room together, no eyes were on them though- Scarlett, Mason scrambled to put on clothes as Nova shouted curse words at them. Jace went to cover his sister but she was changed and chasing after Mason in a second. A second that let him see the way she looked at Mason one last time. And the way that Nova smirked when he turned back around. Ashley squeezed his hand and he realised she was still there, Jace glanced at Mason in disgust but caught the sight of Parker watching him from downstairs instead. Parker stared with a stoic expression, his eyes locked on Ashley and Jace's hands clamped together. 

"Jace!" Ashley squeezed his hand and Jace knelt to be the same height as her sitting on the couch looking afraid. "Im keeping him."

"Him..." Jace said realising that she wore a maxi-dress which made her huge bump almost unrecognisable. Jace lifted his hand, looked into her eyes and felt all the love he had resurface as she nodded for him to touch her belly. He felt the bump and knew that this was his life. It wasn't to go to a fancy college, it was to run the bakery and be a dad. "Do your parents know?" She nodded letting more tears slip down her face. Ashley laughed through her choked sobs and Jace cracked a smile too. "We'll look after him. I love the bakery so it works out and everyone can come live here. Or we can sell this house to get a smaller one near your parents-"

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