Chapter 7 : Let Me Drive

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Let Me Drive


Junior Year

PROCESSING the text again, Scarlett squealed tugging on her best friends arm. Ashley White joined in too after reading it. They couldn't wait for school to end, watching the clock every five minutes ticking down until it eventually struck the last hour.

Many students sighed in relief noticing only an hour left of their hell hole, however, Scarlett only focused on her reply. He hadn't written back but he had definitely read it, she debated on sending another and started forming multiple versions of what she wanted to say in her mind.

Ashley grabbed her phone out of her hands "Hey!"

"You dont want to be desperate Scar." Ashley raised eyebrows daring Scarlett to prove her wrong. Instead, Scarlett pouted going back to counting down minutes. Soon enough the gorgeous sound of school not having control over people graced their ears, Scarlett became first one out the room heading straight to Jen's car where her friend herself sat patiently waiting.

"Hey Jen."

"Hurry up Scar, you take forever."Jennifer laughed.

"Ash needs to get something from biology she said to wait a few seconds for her." Informed Scarlett as she clicked her seat belt into place. Jennifer checked her own appearance in the car mirror, puffing her hair here and there. She clicked her fingers and Scarlett instantly passed her lipstick from Scarlett's own bag.

"Pink would suit my lips better dont you think?" Jennifer said finishing applying her lipstick.

"I think you look nice in red too." Scarlett squirmed under her friends intense glare as she took her red lipstick back to apply some on her own lips.

"You're right Scar," Jennifer hummed "I do look good in red, pinks just better because my skin tone suits it anyway. Are you sure you want to wear that shade today? I mean you do have a date today so going for a simple shade would not be all that bold. Its up to you." Scarlett held her reply back as the back door opened to reveal a panting Ashley.

"Sorry Im late guys I had-"

"Next time be quicker, Scar has a date." Jennifer said smiling at Scarlett who returned the gesture; only out of intimidation.

They pulled up to a house that was already so deep into the party that there were no way anyone would be sober enough to run away if cops did show. Despite being only minutes after school had ended, Jennifer claimed that the party started as a couple of friends but got out of hand.

"Guys stop being annoying, Im just giving my friend a message from her boyfriend." Jennifer said shutting down the engine.

"We have to be back in time for Scars date." Ashley commented getting out the car cautiously.

"It will be two minutes."

Fifteen minutes later Scarlett now counted the minutes they had been sitting on a navy couch frowning at every tick. "She said she will be quick."

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