Chapter 21 : A Turtle And A Tower

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A Turtle And A Tower


Junior Year

WHY did her brother give her back shifts at the bakery? All the co-workers used to look down on her rag clothes from when she worked there before. They would ignore her presence and give extra shifts but act friendly towards Jace. She knew it was because the first time she joined, Scarlett had overtaken a popular co-workers job. Meaning that the loved worker was fired in order to let Scarlett work there.

Huffing for the millionth time, she shook the tiredness away and strapped on her lime coloured apron not at all ready for today. But, this gave her a chance to start fresh. Somewhere where she can be Scarlett and not Scar, Cara, Lottie.

"Are you done giving yourself a pep talk?" Jace laughed entering her room. Swatting him away with her work cap, she fitted it on her head checking her appearance once more before following Jace to his car.

The leather seat of Jace's car was torn slightly on the bottom. "New car again."

"Why?" Jace asked.

"Just a bit tired out." She commented running her fingers along the seat edge wearily. Bouncing her left leg to cover their awkwardness, Scarlett memorised the route in case she had to make her own way her next time and took note of different signs ahead to help.

One sign passed by and Scarlett almost laughed at what it was; a turtle crossing the road with a walking stick "Its an old person crossing."

"Its a turtle." She argued, drawing out what it looked like in her head. "The shell was there and everything."

"The shell was its hunched back." Jace chuckled letting go off the steering wheel with his hand to flick her forehead when she wasn't looking. Scarlett crossed her arms and shook her head to hold her own.

"A turtle crossing the road is likely to happen here." She stated whilst waving her hand to map out the busy road.

"Definitely." His voice laced with sarcasm as they reached a set of lights. Scarlett playfully pretended to be angry for the rest of the journey because Jace seemed to find amusement in her turtle accusation. Soon enough they reached the bakery and the early morning finally dawned in on actually how early it was. She stopped herself from asking why he came this early but knew that if she wasn't here, he would already be cleaning tables at the bakery.

So to not ruin the moment that made her feel young again, Scarlett released her seat-belt from its click and removed herself from the parked car. "Okay now when you get inside, remember that Jane doesn't like flour- thats why she works on deliveries and Courtney has a box of free cupcakes to keep her going because she has-"

"Diabetes yeah. What does Milo do again?" She asked remembering that Milo was mad about her taking over his fired friends job.

"Hes in charge when Im not here and cleans bathrooms in his spare time. Not a hobby, just his job." Jace corrected himself, fastening his apron onto him as they strolled to the entrance where a blonde girl with glasses wiped windows down.

"Why is everyone here young?" Scarlett never asked before but she always wanted to know why people their age were given the higher jobs in comparison to experienced older people.

"Older people did work here but this group are from orphanages so that they can have a family at work, build social skills and make a better life fr themselves. Older people like Anita, they do their shifts on weekends and one calls every night. Its a youth thing now." Jace filled in all the gaps for Scarlett as she rehearsed his answers.

"Impressive." She took one more look t the girl cleaning windows and placed her hand on the door handle ready to open it.

"And one more thing!" Jace yelled after her even though he was standing right beside her, Scarlett flinched covering her ear quickly "New employee starts tomorrow, his name is Himmat and he needs space from home. Thats all he told us so no prying into his lie no matter how boring work is." He opened the door making way for her to walk in.

Scarlett scanned her eyes round the bakery that bought back too many memories. No, she was going to do her shift without being a downer or a bitch. Confidence in her strides took her straight to the staff room where Scarlett found her locker and shoved her school bag inside ungracefully. "Graceful."

The irritating voice belonged to none other than Milo Woods. Scarlett gave a dazzling smile and continued squishing her bag inside. Milo laughed evilly. Everything he did was evil. She could sense him already taking over the world in his mind and snorted at his clear failure for trading with the East.

Lime sofas complimented the purple lockers and beanbags and gave the staff room a sort of relaxing vibe as appose to the horrible, depressing look that used to be this room. By the way Milo lounged onto a sofa, Scarlett could tell that if a monster could feel secure here, then so could an outsider. "Wheres Jane?"

"On her way, no bus money so she had to walk." Milo told Jace. Scarlett saw the look on Jace's face and knew what he was about to do.

"Jace I'll get her. Tell me where she is and give me your keys."

"No. Jane lives in a bad area and women should not go there because there are only so many good men there. If you go, you'll get jumped like Courtney but if I get Jane then you can help Milo pack bags of bread for our usual customers. Oh and we serve breakfast which is just different breads and hot drinks but it makes us money so start on that!"

His words were a mouthful to take in but Milo seemed used to it as he just nodded and strapped an apron around him as Jace left the room in an urgent rush speaking to Courtney- who appeared to be the blonde window cleaner. "Are you scared your brothers not here to protect you anymore or are you going to leave the tower and actually help me pack bags and make breakfast?"

"Milo if you assume everything your head will be on the next chopping block." Scarlett said tying her hair and heading to the kitchen area. The whole building was only a corner shop size but had the spacing to fit a hundred horses by the way Jace remodelled it. "Now are you going to get off your throne and help me pack the bags or am I going to do it all by myself, assistant manager?"

She tapped the counter trying to locate bags when Milo strolled in with about thirty looped around his arms "Lets start then Rapunzel."

As they packed bags and served slightly burned toast for cheap prices (Could be Scarlett's fault but she blames Milo.) Scarlett knew that the moments of being just the bosses daughter would only accompany her for so long. So she made a silent agreement to leave Scar for school and embrace Scarlett every weekday morning.

Even if that came with the wonderful company of Milo Woods.

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