Chapter 29 : Classroom truths

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Senior Year

DRAWING circles on pieces of paper were hard. Scarlett had to get the right shape for a start. She leaned closer to the page to give herself some sort of leverage in this challenge. Of course this helped only so little because she got too close so her arm ended up smudging the beautiful circle she'd drawn below the new one. Huffing at her failed attempts, Scarlett looked out the window for some piece of motivation that would encourage her to try again at this drawing circle business. She didn't take art for a reason unlike Daena who would be amazing at drawing a simple shape like a hell circle. Beside her, Ashley took her seat without showing any signs of care but the tension between them two did not go unnoticed.

Rumours already bounced around halls. Only a few passers by witnessed Scarlett and Ashley's friendship ending so whatever those people said would be listened to intently and dissected passionately. Scarlett would scowl at the way people saw her as the bad one in this scene. After all, Ashley would have to apologise to her because Scarlett could not handle being the bigger person. It was petty. This was a matter of pride, not friendship. Scarlett argued many times with Ashley over ridiculous things like outfit decisions. Just because she ignored her for a while does not mean that she would bow down to Miss Whites feet.

The teacher passed round another worksheet to keep students busy, Scarlett went back to drawing circles, she needed to get them in perfect shape before she can split the pie between numbers of people. Eight to be precise. Scarlett was aware that Ashley began speaking to someone, she couldn't make out who because she had music playing in her ears. Shuffling to find her phone in her pocket, Scarlett turned down the volume until she couldn't hear anything but a light base and eavesdropped on Ashley's conversation.

They were barely talking in a whisper yet the teacher himself slept peacefully in his chair with his bald head resting uncomfortably on the desk. Most students were having their own conversation or were prying on whatever was said from the back of the class where Scarlett sat.

Ashley spoke gently, the tone she used when explaining work or giving advice or calming people down. The one she used mostly with Scarlett that now was relevant in Jaces' life. Scarlett listened to their conversation, boring topics about how to do the work. Just as she was about to turn her music higher, the recipient of Ashley's conversation changed the topic to... her. "So what happened to you guys? Tired of being her lapdog?" Daena joked. Behind her hair, Scarlett could hear Jennifer whispering for Daena to keep it down. After all, Scarlett still had information on Jennifer. "Come on Ash, tell us what went down. Except for Scar on almost every man here." This time a pang of guilt hit her hard.

Sighing, Scarlett prepared herself to lash out on them all. She had the speeches forming in her head although she couldn't form what to say to Ashley. Scarlett didn't want to hurt Ashley anymore, she wanted a truce. Her best friend back. "Oh please! As if you haven't tried to get all the guys Scar had." Surprise hit almost everyone in the room.

Ashley used a joking tone, there was no denying the truth that laced her words. Scarlett quickly dispersed of the speech she planned in her head. Yes; Ashley was speaking to their ex-friends in a friendly manner. Thats definitely a problem. She did defend Scarlett and that does say something.

"You can stop defending her Ashley. Shes not even worth it. Wait til she gets dirt on you and then you'll come running in your six-inch heels back to us." Jennifer said probably filing her nails at the same time and eyeing the heels that Scarlett bought for Ashley three months ago. What hurt Scarlett was the fact that Ashley did not say anything after, she changed the conversation to her shoes and left the fact that Scarlett could flip on her hanging in the air. Soon enough, and with no nice circles drawn, the bell rung and everyone began leaving. Scarlett packed away her belongings waiting for Ashley to leave first because she blocked her exit by standing in the narrow gap between their table and the back wall.

Most people were already out by now, Scarlett tapped her foot and opened her mouth to tell Ashley to hurry when she thought it would be nicer to thank her for defending her "Ash thanks for defending me."

Ashley turned around slinging her backpack over her shoulder "If you didn't go around spreading your legs for all of your brothers friends without considering how much that would affect his friendships with people, then I wouldn't even have to defend you." Ashley moved out the way for Scarlett to pass, she did so slowly.

Outside the class, Scarlett quickly glanced down the corridor where her eyes met Nova's. He was speaking to Jace and Parker but kept looking at her. Scarlett knew she needed to look away but she couldn't. There was this urge that bubbled inside her, she wanted to talk to hi about whatever was on her mind. He didn't look away and only nodded his head to the side. Understanding his motion, Scarlett sashayed down the hall, straight past him going around the corner into an empty classroom.

Her phone buzzed with texts from Mason. She couldn't answer them because Nova strolled in running his hands through his hair nervously. "What do you want Nova? I thought you never wanted to speak to me again." In all honesty, Scarlett wanted to be with Mason.

"I dont know Lottie. I just saw you and started signalling." He kept combing his hair using his hands "I dont know! Okay? I should hate you so much. I should. I just cant."

Scarlett crossed her arms annoyed "How dare you?!" She whispered angrily. Nova looked up confused "Yes. I cheated on you. I cheated on Milo too. Did I care? No." They both seemed startled by her response. It was the truth though, Scarlett only cared about reputation because thats all she has now. "Did it hurt to see you looking pained after we argued in the street outside Parker's house? Like I was being burned alive." Scarlett felt no tears coming, she spoke from the heart with a straight face. Nova, on the other hand, he looked angry and scared. "Do you see a pattern here? I slept with Mason every time. No matter who I was dating. And now Im finally with him. Im finally happy and you want to imply that you're still in love with me?"

Scarlett softened her tone. Nova ran his hand down his face the way that she used to adore. A possessed action overcame her as she stood in front of Nova and gently reached out to grab his arm, her eyes flaming in remembrance of their relationship "You dont love me Nova. You never did. Every time you looked at me you saw Ashley in your eyes because you had an insane crush on her." He gulped under her gaze because Scarlett picked the one thing out that others hadn't
"You only dated me to be closer to Ashley but you didn't realise that I would cheat on you. You didn't cry at Parker's because we were breaking up, you cried for yourself because whatever game you had in your head- it didn't work out."

"I loved Daena." He said.

"You liked Daena whilst she dated Parker because it would be weird if Ashley didn't like you back and you knew she didn't. She liked Mason and another guy. You used Daena as a distraction from who you actually liked in an attempt to get closer to Ash. You used me Nova." She intertwined their hands together staring him in the eyes. The eyes that said it all.

"Im sorry Lottie." He kissed her forehead.

She leaned out of his hold breaking their linked hands and grabbed her bag. Nova began to leave when Scarlett called out his name "Im sorry too." And the smile that he returned her with said it all.

Nobody would know why their relationship ended because that was only for Scarlett and Nova to know.

They used each other for their own gain and Scarlett finally realised something:

She was in love (truly) with Mason.

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