Chapter 32 : Know Your Priorities

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J A C E  E V E R S

Senior Year

THEY dried themselves from the pool by walking around his garden lots of times. Round and round their heads began to feel dizzy. Jace stopped to catch a break not noticing that Candace continued walking another round. "Go on. You're going to miss her." Parker said slapping his back. Sighing, Jace jogged after Candace. She continued talking once he caught up with her and he had a feeling she was mad at him again.  Jace couldn't figure out why she was mad at him this time because he genuinely had fun hanging out with her and thought the feeling would be mutual. 

Jace looked to the side as they strolled, he planned on talking to Scarlett today instead of circling the pool with his girlfriend or having their little "date" crashed by Parker and Nova. Candace whispered to bring him back to her attention "Are they leaving soon?"

Jace glanced at Nova pushing Parker into the pool. "Not anytime soon. You'll be lucky if they leave tomorrow." He laughed turning back to Candace who had her eyebrows raised. "What?"

"Nothing." She snapped jogging over to where her stuff was. Jace followed her cautiously whilst signalling Parker to not shout anything rude. Parker held a thumbs-up before Nova jumped into the pool soaking him completely all over again. Facing back to Candace, she had her phone out taking a photo of him. Jace stood confused trying to work out how to tell his girlfriend that he wasn't confident with his body at all despite it being acceptable. "Hey Candace..."

"Yeah Jace." She responded from the other side of the camera. 

Jace walked over to her lowering his head to her ear feeling fully happy to share his secret "Im not fully confident. Can you not take photos please?" Candace laughed out loud, Jace awkwardly stood. He shielded his eyes from the sunlight to avoid squinting until she finally caught that there was no joke.

"Are you kidding? Jace you're so popular, you're body is fine." She waved off kissing his cheek.  "Now stand on the edge and smile." A bitter feeling surged through him and Jace chose to embrace it, he stood on the edge of the pool posing for the photo as she counted down to take the picture. Her countdown reached two when he jumped into the pool smiling widely. At the exact same time, Nova had splashed upwards which would definitely cover his face if he managed to get in the picture. "JACE!"


After Candace stormed out the house (and Jace went after her) he returned to Nova setting up the barbecue and Parker had gone to buy food. "So we're having a party?"  

Nova shook his head "A get together of just us. Ask Milo if he wants to come over. Actually is he okay with Scarlett now?"

Jace sighed helping Nova work the barbecue "Hes been through way too much. She really pushed him over the edge you know? Cheating on him then humiliating him like that just isn't right." Nova nodded along "How come you act like nothing happened?" He asked sitting on a nearby chair.

"We talked it out."Nova shrugged "Invite Jane and Courtney?"

"They're Milo's sisters man. We call them all and see who shows." Jace raced inside. He called them one by one "Milo, if you dont feel comfortable its fine we can chill somewhere else."

"No no, Im going to make lunch for the kids at the home. Actually Im at the shops now." The line cut short, Jace gave a weird stare at the phone before calling Candace to inform her of the plans and asking if any of her friends wanted to join them. The line also cut short when she snapped at him. Jace pulled at his hair frustrated "Deep breaths Jace." He complied her instructions.

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