Chapter 5 : New Start

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S C A R L E T T   E V E R S 

Junior Year

SEEING her younger twin wasted out his mind bugged Scarlett. "Ahhhh!" Nova screamed falling to the floor. In an instant Scarlett rushed to his side to help him up, her heels weighing her down, as she neared Nova, his eyes started to flutter open scaring the living daylights and thoughts out of Scarlett herself. 

"Dont do that!" She scolded the dark haired boy. 

"For your information, you scared me!" He retorted brushing invisible dust of his legs standing up. "Yeah you're not meant to be here and are!"

Scarlett paused for second examining their situation and laughed. Nova joined in too laughing much more than needed. She felt happy laughing for the first time in a while and sobered up to grab a granola bar. "No pancakes?"

"Not today." She responded quietly. Truth be told Scarlett had been eating healthy snacks in between all this time and with Ashley wanting her to join cheer leading she simply didn't have the right time. 

"Lottie?" Nova had come very close and Scarlett felt the need to get some fresh air, excusing herself she went up to her bedroom to change into appropriate attire for a shopping spree. Mother did leave her enough money for food and Scarlett had to change her wardrobe to the latest fashion in order to please Parker.

Changed into normal casual clothes she texted Ashley to meet her at her house and waited patiently in her room doing little make-up. A text from Parker had butterflies exploding in her stomach as she read it eagerly.

Parker X : Party tonight. Be there x

All his texts demanded of her appearance and if she ever declined his offer to show by his side at a party, well, Parker would not b happy and so Jen would not be happy either. Her text response asked him about his day. 

Parker X : Babe Im busy. Be at the party x

Scarlett ignored his comment, focusing on him calling her "babe" and began running out the house when her brother came to stop her. "Where are you going?" 

"Out." Scarlett impatiently tapped her foot "Jace move I've got to meet Ash by my car."

"Cara you cant go out." He reached out to hold her shoulders "Lets watch your favourite movie..." She pondered for a moment imagining herself out of these tight heels in a pair of fluffy socks wrapped warmly in a blanket "...Nice cup of hot chocolate..." The taste of hot chocolate, marshmallows, cream almost in reach "...Nova can be sent shopping for dinner supplies..." A giggle escaped her and Jace' eyes lit up, however, one word messed up and Scarlett would be out that door faster than you could say sabotage. "...We watch everyone's favourite movie, Daena could-"

A slip of a tongue sent Scarlett racing as fast as her heels took her. Ashley stood blowing her nails dry next to Scarletts' car and they both got in together fastening seat belts quickly. Ashley laughed throwing her hands in the air as Scarlett started the car engine. For a second she envied how happy Ashley looked then flashed a bright fake smile and sped off. 


"Im older."

"By two minutes!"

"Jace Im going to school wearing whatever I want!" Scarlett stamped her foot down angrily.

"Fine!" Her brother yelled grabbing his car keys leaving the house. 

"Whats his problem?" Ashley snorted holding the door open.

"Man-period." Scarlett chuckled linking arms together heading to her car. "He wanted me to change my outfit, I mean it is a bit revealing for school especially when I can practically feel the leather on my butt."

"Beauty is a gift and us-more fortunate-use that. Plus Parker will love it." Ashley assured brushing a hand through her hair. 

"What about the dress code at school?What will people say? Ash I've not gone this drastically different before." Nerves built up in Scarlett as she ran through each possible scenario in her head "I mean Parker does have make-out sessions but he usually doesn't notice my clothes."

"Firstly, Jen's uncle is the principal so he cant dress code us anyway-"

"Jen's uncle?"

"Yeah yeah, dont you want peoples attention? It must suck when your brother is only interested in his friends." Ashley organised her folders in her bag ready for the car to be parked in the car park of their favourite place on Earth. "Scar dont worry too much what people think. You'll always have me."

"You, Jen and Parker are all I need." Scarlett added happily. 

They arrived at school on time, getting out the car became more difficult for Scarlett because she tried not to seem nervous. Ashley helped her get up, dusting of her skirt and they linked arms to go into the school together.

"Ash wait." Scarlett stopped, keeping an eye on passers by who stopped to mutter things. Everyone was staring.

"Calm down Scar. You're change is new you, you've had the training and now its time to let yourself be free." The words encouraged her enough to brush a hand through her hair and catwalk into school next to her best friend.

All she had to do now was get Parker Davis's FULL attention.

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