Chapter 39 : Dont Let The Fire Be Burned PART 1

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S C A R L E T T   E V E R S

Milo's Funeral

THERE is no denying the guilt that Scarlett faced when the first words her twin brother told her was that Milo was dead. She was just about to hang up and block his number when the name of her younger twin appeared on the screen. Scarlett wanted to not answer the phone but she knew she had to face him eventually. What weakened her hatred was the voice of Jace crying into the phone, he told her it flat out. She didn't listen to his words though, she could feel it in her like she knew the situation inside out. He told her all the details; how Milo was shot so suddenly, that however did it had spoken to him- which was why the window was open. 

They said that Milo died smiling as he smile never left his face. Whoever murdered Milo was careful to not leave a trace. Someone experienced. Due to the number of crimes and Milo's background, they shut the case. Not even giving it a week to evaluate. Scarlett stared at the invitation in her hand, it was addressed to Jace. Courtney planned it all, she organised everything to perfection. Scarlett traced the words on the card that had a picture of Milo with all his family. His brothers from the orphanage; it was the last photo they'd taken and you could see the panicked expression on his face as he looked at the door. As if he knew that at any moment someone would barge in and kill him. Milo knew.

Scarlett looked back at the boy she screamed hatred upon and saw that he was comforting another migraine. She took his hand and squeezed it. Knowing that whatever feud they had, whatever happened was packed away. Forever untouched but never forgotten. Scarlett had to be there for her brother. After all, he had called her to find comfort with family instead of informing someone else first. Jace wore an all black suit. He had dark bags under his eyes and messy hair but he always tried to smile when around Ashley. People didn't know Milo in school but they already made rumours about who killed him. Some blamed Mason. Most said it was a joint effort with Scarlett. She felt like she did kill him though. 

Scarlett felt like she had pulled the trigger and could practically feel the gun in her hands, weighing on it. Some nights she woke up crying that there was 'guilty blood' on her hands. When she walked past the space where the mirror was, she could sense her shadow smirking at herself. Even though she didn't kill Milo, Scarlett felt like she played in major role in it. Jace was ready to speak first, Scarlett silenced him knowing exactly what he was going to say. He'd always been the one to apologise first. It took Milo's death for him to apologise and Scarlett didn't want to hear it. Jace fist his hands in his hair and announced he was off to the funeral. Scarlett watched him go then parked further down the road so that she was hidden but could see everything. Courtney did not invite her and Scarlett knew that that was the best choice. 

Her eyes watched as people started taking their seats and her heart sped up when the 'orphan boys' sat on the grass beside his coffin instead of on the chairs. Jace paid for one of the best coffins he could find to give Milo 'some sort of comforting'. Scarlett saw some other people that she didn't recognise, that was the thing about Milo. He lived in such a secretive world. Most of the people were young men covered in many tattoos. She could see why the cops would think he was in a gang. They all hugged Jane, Courtney and Jace; showing that they were aware of how important these three people were to Milo. Courtney being the closest so she did a speech. Scarlett wanted to know if Courtney spoke about all his hardships. About all the people who turned their backs on him- Scarlett included. She watched them lower his coffin into the ground and his family helping to cover it. Then Jace stood up, he dropped a rose on Milo's grave. Other people started pulling roses out their bags and pockets; they were all give one with the invitation. Scarlett exited the car and straightened out her black dress. Her heels clicked as she placed the sunglasses on her head walking towards a nearby flower shop. 

Scarlett played with the buttons on her black trench coat that covered her short black dress. She didn't own a long one. Her make-up was done to perfection early in the morning. Scarlett lived back in her own room at Jaces' house because pregnant Ashley was not someone she could bond with. She entered the florist skipping past all the exotic flowers to a bunch of red roses, Scarlett picked one randomly up. Dropping it on the counter she pulled out some change from one of her pockets and adjusted her sunglasses as the woman took the money and handed back change telling her about their new flowers. Once given her change, Scarlett took her rose and left, cutting the woman off mid sentence. 

 A hand clamped over her arm swivelling her around as soon as she stepped out the shop. What hurt more was the sting of a hand-print that just missed her eye. Scarlett laughed "I expected that."

"You expect another one too?!" Courtney yelled lifting her hand but was held back by Jane who scowled at Scarlett. 

"You've got some nerve showing up. Especially in that slutty outfit. Gosh I know you like being a whore-"

Scarlett picked her fallen sunglasses from the floor ignoring their remarks and had noticed that it was just them three and a the 'orphan boys'. "Seriously Jane? Its your best friends funeral and you want to criticise his ex? Wow he must be soo proud of you right now." Scarlett had enough of the blame that everyone clearly directed towards her. 

"You're such a little-"

"Yes. I am. Me being a bitch, slut, whore,"Scarlett counted the list on her fingers  "Everything I am is not what got me here today. Its not what killed Milo. Its not me. So do everyone here a fucking favour and stop humiliating yourself because I broke up with him months ago." She kept her tone low and almost threateningly as she shielded the sun out with her sunglasses sighing "Look, Im sorry that someone close to you was murdered. There's nothing that I can do to change that so please just grieve away from me because whilst you have happy memories, I still have to get over the fact that my ex- the guy who's heart I crushed- is never going to curse me again. Im sorry for your loss." Scarlett spat the last words out with a taste of disgust and left them. 

She knew her words had hurt Jane however she couldn't bring herself to care. 

Scarlett kept her pace fast as she walked over to the grave of Milo. She stood to the side knowing exactly what to say and was about to speak it when someone stood by her side holding an identical rose "Quite the scene you made Scar."

"He's really gone." Scarlett answered making sure her sunglasses covered her face so that he couldn't see the tears forming in her eyes. "Whatever happened has happened and he's really gone."

"Never forget him." Parker whispered throwing the rose onto the others, he turned to leave and was stopped by Scarlett who held his arm staring into those eyes that were once so captivating. Now she saw herself in them, her reflection. Her heart beat for Mason so there was no flutter of butterflies as she read his eyes. All she could see was an alliance, a burned friendship cemented by Milo's death.

"Never." She whispered letting him go and a tear trickled down his face before he walked away. Scarlett knelt as far as her dress could let her, she lay her rose gently next to Jace's then stood up not knowing what to say. Walking away from from the grave, she took one last glance at it remembering Parker's words of encouragement.

 She would never forget Milo.

Or how Jace cried to her over the phone and in the car. 

Scarlett slipped into her car, ignited the engine and drove off to Masons house thankful that he offered to go travelling with her. 

She would never forget Milo. 

She would never forget the way he smiled like he held a thousand secrets when they were together.  

Scarlett wondered which of the secrets could've lead to his death.

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