Chapter 8 : A Care For Me?

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Junior Year

HE wondered around the house waiting for a perfect time to tell his sister that their parents are going on another business tip. She currently sat upstairs eating breakfast with his best friend and Jace felt the wanting to join in. He knew that it would be awkward if he did join.

Instead, he spent his free time glaring from house photo to house photo. A text from Candace would be nice if she wasn't stuck at a chemistry practice for her schools tournament occurring soon. Jace huffed and went back to the kitchen to clean surfaces when a hand clamped over his shoulder. Using some next level response, he screamed out in fright. A howl of laughter irrupted from Nova as he bent over his knees, eventually laughing his way onto the wooden floor.

"Nova!" Jace scolded, hand over his heart to calm his pulse down. Nova remained laughing on the floor and Jace took out his phone as he walked away, leaving Nova laughing on the floor.

"Idiot! Wait!" Shuffling of feet later, Jace ducked just in time for Nova to end up tackling air, his body leaned in a way that could not stop him from hitting the ground. This time Jace started laughing. He couldn't bring himself to stop little tears spilling out and went to lean on Nova for support.

Jace attempted to lean onto Nova, forgetting that Nova was currently lying on the ground rubbing his elbows from the fall, because of this, Nova reached a hand out to and tripped Jace so both of them ended up on the floor in fits of laughter.

Jace sat up crossing his legs, Nova copied his actions and the two of them wiped their faces before standing up and dusting off. Leading the way into the kitchen, Jace headed straight for the fridge to get his favourite chocolate-mousse cup. He chucked one at Nova, who caught it smirking, then got two spoons out. Giving one to his friend, Jace held up his spoon to squinting his eyes at his own refection.

He'd let sneaking out to parties with Daena ruin the life in his eyes.

Surely partying would be fun?


"Bro if you keep staring at yourself like that, Im going to have to-"

"To what?" Jace challenged smiling at his friends idiotic threats. "You once told me that if I didn't give you my lunch you would audition for the cheer team."

"Well they are at the beginning of each new school term..." Nova said letting his words trail off as he licked chocolate of the spoon.

"Fine. You can be besties with Cooper." Jace smirked removing his desserts wrapping.

Nova chocked, he cleared his voice holding up his spoon and said "Hes a very nice young man who is a brilliant reminder that men can be cheerleaders."

"You will make history." Mocked Jace. He finished his dessert deciding on what to do for today. During their silence, a sound of Scarletts raised voice from above disrupted his thought process.

"Check on Lottie." Nova demanded.

"No." Jace scoffed knowing that she would probably shrug him off- like every other time.


"No..." Throwing away their rubbish, Jace tidied all the kitchen surfaces and grabbed his car keys. "Let yourself out?"

"Always do."


Jace drove to a local park. Local being for people who lived in this area and not for someone who came from a town thats an hour away. He swung on a tyre swing for ten minutes just soaking in everything. He liked it on this swing away from it all.

Away from his failing grades that he would have to find an explanation for. Just away from Parker Davis who has his sister wrapped around those grimy fingers which probably want her for one thing. Jace scowled at his thoughts. Hes known Parker for years and knew that all Parker is searching for is "the one". The way he does it is certainly not right but there has been many occasions where Jace ended up with bruises for even attempting to talk to Parker.

He would have to find a new approach. Fast.

Jace swung until a text pinged from his phone. Usual texts from a worrying Nova that Jace instantly replied to and a reminder that his parents were going away again. He didn't even care anymore. Jace wanted to care. He wanted somebody to care.

Someone did.

And she just sent him a message.

Jace didn't know that there were three people who cared.

Only two of them knew they did.

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