Chapter 12 : Awkward Balance I

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J A C E   E V E R S 

Junior Year

NOVA listened intently to her story. Jace patted her head reassuringly trying to figure everything out in his mind. Why would she do this? She couldn't do this?

"Are you defiantly sure Cara said all them things?" 

Daena adjusted herself in his lap looking up at him with tears streaming down her face "Your twin sister said everything bad. Why would I lie." 

"Maybe because you dislike Lottie?" Jace leaned back quickly so Daena could get up on instant due to her reflexes.

"I am not that mean." Jace snorted knowing her capabilities. He knew that she could start arguments out of thin air and just as easily switch things to make herself a victim.

"You are everything but nice." Nova chuckled dodging a pillow that Daena threw at him. Jace got up from his position to go prepare dinner for them all. Hopefully by the time they had all eaten, Daena would be out their house before Scarlett returns. 

He gathered his ingredients ready to begin when his phone began ringing. Jace fiddled with the phone in his hand ready to press that little green button when he read the name again. Wearily, Jace went to close the kitchen doors and sat himself on a bar chair to call the person back. Within one ring did he hear that voice that began it all.

"Jace Evers." 

"Parker Davis."


Jace set a plate each in front of his friends. He pushed away the conversation from earlier and focused on his meal. Daena dug into it, moaning at how amazing it tasted. Nova rolled his eyes smiling then picked up a fork to wrap spaghetti around. 

"Why did it take so long to cook?" Daena asked shoving a forkful into her mouth.

"I made dessert." 

"If this is what dinner is like then I cant wait for breakfast." Jace put down his fork loudly, he looked at Daena then shook his head laughing with no humour. "Whats so funny?"

"Scarlett Evers lives here and you just had an argument with her and you think you're actually going to stay the night here?" He said expecting her to ask Nova to stay at his house.

"Its not like you were going to pick her side." Daena argued pushing her plate away to fold her arms on the table.

"Shes my sister Daena. I would pick blood over water any day." A flash of hurt went through her eyes and Jace instantly began to regret his words, he reached out for her but she pushed him away standing up. 

"You would choose her over me but I who was the one who helped you meet this Candace girl- who is probably the only person who makes you happy right now. Who helped you relieve all your pain with distractions?" Jace thought about all the late nights from going out partying with Daena, it wasn't by choice but more for her benefit of rebounding from Parker. "Answer me Jace, was it me or your precious Cara?"

"You." Jace answered painfully admitting the truth that hi sister hadn't even cared about him these past months. 

A chair scraped and their attention turned to Nova who stood up after finishing his last bite "If we are playing this game the you would have to ask who had drove Jace back home after you left him wasted at a party which he clearly wasn't enjoying." Nova deadpanned Jace straight in the eyes and Jace raised an eyebrow wondering who had bought him home "It was your precious Cara you dumb kid.Not Daena ."

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