Chapter 15 : A Trait You Have Is A Talent I Get

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S C A R L E T T  E V E R S

Junior Year

RUBY worked very quickly, Scarlett was impressed by her speed but didn't want to disrupt the independent girls work. She could only watch from the sidelines as her plan started forming. Scarlett became anxious by the minute in case Jennifer was to walk through that door demanding what was happening. Scarlett too wanted to know what was happening, this wasn't like her at all. At least not the old her.

Pondering on ways to end this plan, Ruby made the decision for her by saying "Done." 

Scarlett thanked Ruby for her time, offering any form of help in return for her future. Rolling her eyes, Ruby said "You used me for a project and will forget about me. Dont think we know how this goes." Before Scarlett could utter a word Ruby continued "We do it anyway, for the same reason why you ask us; status. However, if the cycle continues and we keep asking and people keep responding in order to get a higher status, aren't we the ones who are making the social hierarchy a more viscous game?"

Leaving on that would be a dramatically good note for Ruby. Scarlett ended up asking why someone with this much knowledge would participate in the social "game".

"I know Im not going to get anything out of it; no smile in the halls or a little-hi, how are you?-but thats okay because I dont want a change of clothes or someone to fool me into thinking Im part of their crowd until I actually am; Im doing this because Im caught up on all the drama and know what happened with you and your friends, I know that these documents wouldn't just benefit you but they would help a lot of people in the long-term. Dont think you're revolutionary because Scarlett Evers, you are not even close. To answer your question, I participate in this game for your benefit. I see the worry and I raise you three. I see the stress and I lose three. We win. We lose. At the end of the day, we are all pawns in a much bigger game with no real winner. So dont play the game, just like how Im not."

Leaving Scarlett utterly confused, Ruby left the room after handing her the file of printed papers. Scarlett took a brief moment to take in everything she said then flicked her eyes over each page absorbing in only necessary points. She would bookmark them later. 

A panic bubbled in her as she once again processed Ruby's words. She would not play this game. Scarlett would cut ties with Jennifer once and for all, she would leave her and drift back into that little girl back in sophomore year. That one which she saw in Ruby's eyes.

A knock came at the door and Jennifer walked in looking straight into Scarlett's eyes whilst hiding her obvious disgust for her "You shouldn't go missing like that Scar!" She scolded.

All that cutting ties thing flew out her mind. Jennifer would make rude comments then expect everything to go back to the way it was? Not in these books. A new polished set of rules on each page that Scarlett grasped tightly. No slipping away this time, Scarlett held onto her rules plastering her normal fake smile "You're right Jen, Im so sorry! I will do better next time and Im sorry for earlier too."

As usual, Jennifer played hero in this show by waving her off saying "Dont worry about it.". But Scarlett shouldn't be the one worrying. She had perfect material and needed to be alone for it to work. She put her papers inside her handbag "Jen I have to get some work finished that this nerd forgot to later?"

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