Chapter 31 : Broken Storm

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Senior Year

A school flyer waved in front of her mirror as she adjusted her fake eyelash. "Im not going." In all honesty, Scarlett hated being dragged to the fairs that were hosted every so months at the local park. Actually, the ultimate reason why Scarlett hated the fair was because the last time her and Ashley went was when they decided to go straight after the freshman dance which ended very early for them. The fair was their getaway and it let them down.

"Please." Mason pleaded still waving the flyer in her face.

Scarlett finished her eyelash, holding back tears and memories of the last time she went to the fair and pulled a quick face in the mirror before shutting it to face an eager Mason. He pouted leaning back against the school wall. They usually ate in an empty janitor closet, people suspected for other reasons but it was because Scarlett didn't want the judging eyes of lookers or even facing people who were truly disappointed and hurt by her. She didn't even want to see Jennifer because she knew how much she admired her. "We can go for thirty minutes and if you dont like it then I will eat peanuts."

"You're allergic to peanuts." She reminded him.

Mason flashed a breathtaking smile "Allergic. These are the lengths I go to when Im wrong.". He chuckled and Scarlett found herself joining in as she packed her mirror away to take out a bag of grapes. She popped one into her mouth when a light blinded her. "Aw dont you look cute eating your grapes." Mason mocked having captured her mid popping grapes into her laughing mouth. "Chuck me a grape." Scarlett picked a nice round grape and threw it at Masons open mouth. She missed. Mason shook his head "This is how you do it." he reached into the bag, took a grape and threw it at an unprepared Scarlett.


"Yes Miss Evers?" He asked innocently. Scarlett took another grape out the bag throwing it at him. She laughed at his face as the grape hit his forehead and prepared to throw another when one hit her forehead and the sound of Mason laughing reached her ears. "Please come to the fair with me? Your decision is final.Yes.No." Scarlett wondered what to do, she would usually go to Ashley's house this time of the year or spend an hour on the phone making excuses for not being at Jennifer's parties. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to go to the safe place that wasn't so safe?

Acting extremely bored with this conversation, Scarlett stood up "Fineeee. I'll go. Am I driving or are you?"

"You can take me on a date another time." Mason said taking off his top. Scarlett kissed him gently before parting to mess her hair. Then, straightening it with her hands, she sucked her bottom lip. Likewise did Mason and the two of them walked out hand-in-hand entering a now busy hallway. They'd spent too much time talking instead of creating their away from canteen reason. Walking down the hall Mason put his shirt back on whilst receiving fascinated looks. Scarlett felt his arm snake around her waist as she walk by his side ignoring the whispers. Usual whispers that only she had herself to blame for.

Ahead of her, Nova came out the classroom and she smiled a bit at him. He nodded his head in acknowledgement which raised heads. They'd both remembered how much pain each of them caused and were now attempting to revive their old friendship. Scarlett smiled to herself knowing that even if she didn't rekindle that friendship, there was still a spark of it left. Just maybe she could have a chance with Ashley or Jace. "Hey. You guys made up?" Mason asked hugging her side as they approached his friends. "I saw you guys the other week." Scarlett stopped in her tracks caught off guard by his statement. Mason lead her out the school doors round the back where hardly anybody was.

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