Chapter 13 : A Birden

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S C A R L E T T   E V E R S

Junior year

SURPRISED by people moving out of her way when she passed through the halls, Scarlett turned into her first lesson glancing out the window to see hr brothers car speeding off. She did not sigh at that but briefly her mood dropped until she faced back to the class and walked over to her desk. 

She had been staying the weekend at Ashley's house making no attempt to return home unless Daena would be out her house. Her house. Loving her independence came at a cost of losing her little chances with Parker. He didn't text or call or weekend and even avoided her in the halls this morning. She lost their weird relationship but wouldn't let anyone see how greatly that affected her.  

Another lesson dragged by when Jennifer came through the halls like a hurricane about to strike. Jennifer glared eyebrows raised in a way that teachers do to signal a private discussion. But Scarlett knew Jennifer very well and Jennifer would not bring her wrath quietly. 

Stopping right in front of the girl who could only think about where she would be staying in a week when Ashley's parents kick her out, Jennifer did not even have to speak for Scarlett to know what she would be saying. In all honesty, Scarlett was over everything that happened with Daena because she didn't wan to remember how awful she felt looking into Jace's eyes and admitting to all the horrible things she said. 

Scarlett would not let anyone know that she had been affected by her own stunt. It showed a weakness and she very much enjoyed her high position in the social ranks of their school right now. Not top, but high enough to have some form of recognition. So she played her moves wisely and instead of giving passersby another reason to call her harsh things, she leaned against her locker giving Jennifer a raised eyebrow too.

"What was all that about Scar?"

Scarlett breathed in deeply, picking her words out in a way that would not make her seem weak, God knows what Jennifer could do if she found out how Scarlett really felt. "What was what Jen?"

Her sickeningly innocent voice caught a few ears trying to work out what she was playing, they would have to wait a few seconds to find out. "You know the thing with Daena..."

Scarlett turned around to hide her disappointment in herself and covered it by opening her locker door to retrieve books for next period. "Daena?" She asked louder smirking at the sound of shoes stopping from nosy idiots. 

"Parker's ex, your brothers little friend..." Jennifer explained probably with her hands on her hips. Scarlett grabbed another book then shut her locker facing back to Jen. She giggled seeing her prediction was more than accurate. 

That giggle was an accident brownie point. It gave onlookers a reason to stay a second longer when she thought she would lose them. Nobody mocked Jennifer and unintentionally, Scarlett just did. Ont he verge of apologising, Scarlett tightened her grip on her books ready to spout out all her own flaws so Jennifer could mock her and not feel targeted. 

That plan failed when Jennifer scoffed "You think you are all royalty because you managed to grow a bit of a spine. Well look here then Evers, if you really want to laugh at me and act like a fool then you can do that on your own and we will see what happens when you come running back because you have nowhere to go." Jennifer spat her last words clearly unaware that in a week, Scarlett would have literally nowhere to go. 

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