Chapter 19 : Bin Your Notes For Mine

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S C A R L E T T  E V E R S

Junior Year

ORDERING a new bag and new clothes somehow helped Scarlett feel more mentally collected. She splashed clash like this was her time. Because it is. To a normal person this was due to a fallout with a friend which is average school-girl drama that shouldn't matter in ten years. To Scarlett Evers, this marked a freedom from her once devil friend. 

"Are you sure you dont want to get a haircut too?"

"Already took a bit off. No need for anymore when it looks good." Scarlett flicked her hair with its volume boosting her confidence. She bent down to slide her feet into her eels then stood up admiring her work. New clothes. New bag. Even new stationary. 

Everything that people would see in school was new. Including herself.

Scarlett felt truly happier with her appearance. So what if she wore a really nice mini-skirt to class? At least she looked cute in it. In all honesty, Scarlett did feel great because she was one for admiration. If her figure gained attention then she would dress to impress. Tightening her hair in its high ponytail, Scarlett checked the time and signalled to leave. 

Jace left to do something at the bakery. Scarlett thanked the Lord she didn't have to go there anymore, mainly because she didn't like the staff who would laugh at how she messed up on the job.

Ashley revved the engine blasting the radio laughing at their sudden change in everything. "Where did you get all the money for this?" She asked tapping o the new cars steering wheel. 

"Mother wanted to apologise for not being around so she sent me an envelope full of cash to satisfy my needs until shes back." 

"And when is she back?"

"Probably in a month or two." Scarlett confirmed gazing out the window. She didn't have the best relationship with her mother- if you could even call it a relationship. Actually, Jace acted more motherly to Scarlett, it would be different if he disappeared for a month or two.

"Stop overthinking Scar."Ashley said patting her shoulder with one hand on the wheel. "Almost at school."

Nerves kicked in like they suddenly called out "You're going to see your ex friend, ex crush and Dena from Denmark!". No Scarlett couldn't let them affect her this time, she couldn't. There's no time to overthink when rumours were spreading faster than the time Ashley fell off a ladder in eighth grade trying to save her cat from a tree. Instantly laughter escaped her mouth as she remembered urging Ashley to hurry up before the neighbour came back. 

A wobble spooked them out but the cat jumping from Ashley's head into Scarlett's arms sent the poor girl screaming in surprise until she fell off the ladder landing in dirty pond water having killed a fish due to impact. 

"Scar..." Ashley said holding in her laugh as Scarlett began speaking of that day. Halfway through her story, Ashley knew what she was talking about and whacked her repeatedly whilst laughing "WE. PROMISED. WE. WOULDN'T. SAY. THAT. SCA-AAH-AHAHAHA.".

Sobering from their little outburst they got out the car smiling at Ashley's stupidity from that day. "Cat was a cute cat."

"She died way before her time." Scarlett said blowing a kiss upwards. "Tell me Ash how did she die?" 

On the verge pf laughing at how Cat died, Scarlett realised that they managed to walk to right outside the school doors without any nerves present. That was easy. Now for the hard part. Taking a deep breath she opened the doors to a busy hall and strutted her way to her locker, adding a sway to the way she walked to focus her mind on her walk instead of whispering already spreading. 

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