Chapter 27 : Moving Too Fast Can Be Losing Too Much

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S C A R L E T T  E V E R S 

Senior Year

SHE tied her coat in a hurry, slipping her feet into heels and standing up from his bed to try and not make any too loud noises. He stirred, waking up from his sleep and Scarlett cursed under her breath "Sneaking out again?" She ignored him causing him to laugh.  "Are you with me or Milo tonight? Or that new guy, I would be careful if I were you." 

"Why? I could pay you with a car to shut you up." Scarlett was aware how she sounded but didn't care. As long as Milo didn't find out everything was good. Mason laughed, sitting up in his bed.

"Its not going to stop the others. Money doesn't buy silence forever." There was more to his words. Scarlett didn't have time for a lecture so she flipped him off and showed herself out his house, not even bothering to greet his parents that asked if she wanted breakfast. They saw her sneak out regularly now and constantly requested to get to know her; if their son was going to keep bringing girls home then they might as well see if she is worthy. According to Scarlett, a distraction did not mean to be besties with his family. Or the other two guys for that matter. 

Just as she was about to enter her car, Mason shouted out from his window "LET ME TAKE YOU ON A DATE PLEASE." Scarlett shook her head, as she always did when he begged from his window, and continued climbing into her car with ease. No doubt, she couldn't wipe away the smile that plastered onto her face when she drove away from his house towards the bakery. 

Jane sat on the floor with Courtney's head in her lap. She stroked her hair having a absentmindedly as Courtney took a quick nap, probably a late night from her second job. "Hey Scar." Jane whispered to not wake Courtney.

"Hey Jane. Did you guys clean every room?" Jane nodded in response which also helped Scarlett realise why they were so tired. She hadn't even considered that her missing a few hours of work each morning would have an affect on them. Surprisingly, Scarlett felt more guilty about not cleaning than she did about last night. 

"Milo is in the back sorting out payments if you want to see him." She replied winking and Scarlett started getting that same guilt build up because she forgot that Milo worked here. He was co-manager here. Taking a deep breath, Scarlett journeyed her way through the bakery to his office and knocked on the door quietly hoping he wouldn't question her. "Milo?"

"Scarlett. You dont come on time anymore. Everything good? You haven't returned my calls or texts." Concern etched onto his face the minute she popped her head inside. Scarlett closed the door behind her before taking a seat in Jace's chair behind his desk.  Their desks were opposite each other but they only ever used the office for calculating wages, otherwise everyone else had a say as they did meetings in the staff room, sitting comfortably on beanbags. "Scarlett?" This was it, she would come clean and tell Milo what was going on and why she had been avoiding him recently. Or she could lie and hope the truth never comes out.

Scarlett went for the latter option "Sorry I've just been spending more time with Ash lately and you know how she feels about you..." The lie slipped out perfectly. Milo pushed his chair back, standing up. 

"I genuinely thought she was getting used to me." He chuckled and a flash of hurt shimmered in his eyes. Scarlett smiled, not a genuine one, a smile that would satisfy their conversation and hide the building guilt. "Sorry I didn't mean to doubt you."

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