Chapter 24 : Middle For A Riddle

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J A C E  E V E R S 

Senior Year

PEOPLE knew. 

His twin was the most popular girl in school obviously people knew what happened. Ashley said not to worry about it, she said it was there fight and nobody else should be involved but they did this themselves! They were the ones who dated and Jace felt responsible for pushing them two together. 

He arranged for Nova to be at that diner so he could talk to Ashley and now look what happened. They got cosy. They got all kissy. Even now he felt disgusted. He had been there in Parkers' house. Most people were there for a few hours. Then everything kicked off. He'd never seen Scarlett that angry before. Hell she even slapped Nova.

Nova... his best friend. The guy who came with him to his parents divorce court. Scarlett didn't know their parents were divorced. She thinks they're on some couples therapy holiday. Actually their mother was on holiday with her new husband. They're father was trying to get his life together. Somehow over the summer, Jace sorted everything out. 

So he could have a fresh start too. 

He said a quick "Hi" to Scarlett and left with Nova. Jace could sense the confusion in everyone's eyes. Whos side was he on? Would he defend Scarlett? The older- by two minute-sister. Or his best friend? The one that stood by his side when things turned to chaos. People here dont have drama going on so they circle people like Jace. They twist every truth and leave some for everyone to assume. These people weren't all at Parkers house. Some were having family dinners, some were wishing they had family dinners.

Ashley was right. Think too much about others mess and you'll end up forgetting to clean your own.

Thats why he stayed with his best friend. He wouldn't support his sister in this situation. He wouldn't ignore her either. Jace would stay in the middle and out the way. 

They sat together in the library. Nova didn't want to sit in the cafeteria with Barbie stalking his ever move. Seeing who he would kiss next maybe? Cassie from science club? Saachi from cheer? Daena from Denmark? Again. 

Jace chuckled as he thought about not getting involved but his mind was right in the drama. "You good?"

"I should be asking you that."

"Its hard seeing her around school." Jace felt sympathy for Nova. He didn't know what to do except listen to Nova rant on again. "You know, I actually thought she was the one." Nova chuckled drily and Jace knew it was also because his face showed pity "Me. Nova Crowlin. Scarlett Evers. Never would've happened in a million years I guess. I managed to get a few weeks of dating and for what? So she can watch me kiss Daena. I screwed up there. I did."

"Dont blame yourself man. Shes way over her head." Its hurt to admit that his sister held pride in being true to her rumours. She made herself live up to them and Nova thinking he did the wrong thing by kissing Daena shouldn't be the limelight. Jace knows when his best friend does something bad. This was not one of those times. 

Unravelling a bacon sandwich from his bag, Jace offered it Nova and smiled when Nova took it with a laugh. Bacon sandwiches always cheered up a Crowlin. Jace remembered when he was fourteen, the first time he realised how much the Crowlins loved bacon sandwiches. They never ate them unless something bad happened. At that occasion, it was Novas fathers third heart attack. The whole family were on edge and eventually Mr Crowlin coped with the pain through anger. Misses Crowlin gave him all sorts of comfortable blankets, sweets,all sorts. The only thing that cheered him and Nova were bacon sandwiches.

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