Chapter 30 : Sealed Huts

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J A C E  E V E R S

Senior Year

HER hair pinned to one side, she stood gazing up at the bright lights that shined down on her fear-struck face. Troubled by the height, her eyes begged to not go on it and Jace accepted with a nod. Relief immediately flooded the air but Jace gave her a look that stated she would be going on the Ferris wheel at a later time. Ashley tutted checking her watch as if she hadn't just been terrified of a wheel "Where is this girl? Doesn't she know what timing means?" Jace checked his own watch not liking that he agreed with Ashley on this and searched the crowd of stalls for Candace. He saw Nova in line for the 'hook-a-duck' game standing next to someone who he did not want to see right now. 

Ever since they told Milo about Scarlett, Jace has had many migraines but has decided to stay out of her choices despite this nagging feeling where he wanted to curse at her for everything. It'd been a week which meant that Milo would have to face her too because he is going back to school. The other week in school, Nova confided Jace with something that pleased him a bit; forgiveness. Nova Crowlin, somehow, started accepting what had happened and actually acted like nothing with him and Scarlett ever did. No denying that if you saw them fro afar you would think they were good friends and Jace wasn't the slightest bit curious as to why nova suddenly switched back to his old self. As long as Nova was happy, Jace was okay with not knowing.

The only major issue he focused on was Ashley. She seemed more on edge lately and constantly asked if Scarlett was in the house before she stepped foot inside. Jace did enjoy her company because when he came back from dates with Candace, she and Nova would act all childish about the situation asking questions like "What did you say?" and "Did she laugh at the joke?". 

He hadn't told anyone else about visiting his father. Jace and Parker drove to where his father was staying and for some reason, Jace was glad to see that his father looked much happier living alone. They were never the best father-son but Jace knew that he wouldn't ask for a better one.After all, his father did spend most summers teaching Jace how to run the bakery whilst Scarlett shyly watched claiming that she was unsure about her future in the bakery and preferred running a burger shop on the outskirts of town with Ashley. 

Jace checked his watch again when the familiar arms of Candace wrapped around his neck pulling him into a welcoming kiss. Responding quickly, Jace almost forgot Ashley was there until she literally pulled them apart "Well its time for me to go eat some candyfloss, here are the rules kids; one- dont leave this park or I will castrate you because the dark is a scary place which I would hate to be alone in, especially with Nova high on winning ducks." Her face was stern and Jace resisted the urge to laugh because he didn't know how real her threats were which scared him a bit. "Rule two- if you want to eat you go straight to the trucks for food, do not step foot near the tables over there - yes there Candace- because you will be on the loo for more than a year. I know that due to Cathy, one of Jennifer's friend."

Jace pulled a disgusted face slinging an arm around Candace before leaning forward to flick Ashley's forehead as she listed more bizarre rules "Thanks Ash but we got it from here." He patted her head leading Candace away chuckling at Ashley as she yelled out another ridiculous rule. "I'll win you a penguin Candace." Jace announced seeing how she looked in jealousy at a penguin toy in a child's hands. Candace nodded and they strolled over to a stall where there were teddies of different mammals hung at the top.

 The grey-haired woman behind the stall flashed a smile sowing off her pearly white teeth "Well dont you two look cute together?"Her thick Texas accent caught their attention more than the penguin "Dont answer that! I can tell your eyes are set on one of my lovely penguins and no not these." She wheezed wiping no tears from her eyes. "Im just kidding! You should see your little faces they are so scared and confused! Now take this and throw it at them cans." She reached down to pick up a ball and pointed to cans stacked in a pyramid shape. Jace reached to take the ball when she hid it behind her back wheezing out another laugh "Why arent you a feisty one? Gotta pay the fee before you... well I haven't thought that far."

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