Chapter 17 : Night O Future

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S C A R L E T T  E V E R S

Junior Year

ANXIOUSLY waiting on where he was driving to scared Scarlett because she couldn't bring herself to speak without crying even more. Even now she kept chocking on tears and had to fix it by turning away so Nova wouldn't see how much this one thing affected her. 

"I can still hear you crying and its okay." 

"Its not." Scarlett managed to say turning her head away to bury it further into the seat. 

"Well we are here anyway." He said getting out the car which apparently came to a stop before. 

"When did we-"

"Can you please stop worrying for five seconds?" He asked helping her out the car as if she was a toddler.

"I can get out myself." She scowled batting Nova away getting out herself. Trying to make herself seem as if she hadn't been crying for a while, Scarlett wiped her face and wiped out her clothes to smooth the creases. 

"Want to show me then?" He said taking her arm to swivel her around as he smiled innocently, she pushed him away- mainly so he wouldn't see the smile plastered on her tear-dried face.

"Nova we are at a car park at midnight." Scarlett said taking in her surroundings of an empty car park just off a main road that had almost no cars driving along it. "What even is this car park for?" 

"There used to be a little restaurant there," Nova said pointing to a patch of dead grass "Now there isn't one.Its kind of abandoned and nobody sees a use for this place because its literally open for everyone to see so no parties or anything can be held here. Its useless."

"So why are we hear?" 

"Because its only useless to people who have something to hide." 

"You think I have no secrets..." Scarlett didn't understand what Nova was trying to say but she looked around anyway. Being here made her feel uneasy, like a thousand people were watching here in the shadows. 

Only there was hardly any shadows here.

Still Scarlett waited for Nova to explain his reasoning to bringing him here. Instead, Nova walked over to her smiling in a devilish way holding out his hand. "What?"

"Take my hand." He laughed. Cautiously, Scarlett took his hand holding eye contact. She found herself wondering what went on behind those eyes that shouted- adventure - every time she gazed into them. Her own eyes questioned what he had planned and knew that it would not be something too outgoing. 

Predicted right, Scarlett followed him to the dead patch of grass that if you looked closely with as much light as you can from a nearby street light- which by the way shouldn't even be place there- would be room for anything in imagination. "We should have a barbecue here."

"Think bigger." Nova grinned.

Scarlett twirled around, ideas rushing through her head "A block of houses and get rid of the car park." She suggested.

"No no no, that would only benefit some people." Nova laughed taking her hands "Think of what you would want."

"A fancy hotel." She said "But thats mine and this is yours so a fancy hotel would be too grand for Nova Crowlin, no he would want somewhere that is homely and people-filled without an overcrowd or too much stress," Scarlett listed as Nova nodded in surprise to all the things she guessed he would like "Not a fancy hotel, no, not a hotel-"

"-Not the way people do motels-" Nova inputted letting go of her hands to pace around. They both paced around throwing ideas into an invisible circle they guarded.

"-No because we want to connect with the people-"

"-But we dont want to get attached to the same customer-"

"-Where people could have breakfast which would be the one you make because you make-"

"-the best breakfast, I know Jace tells me McDonald's is missing out on its Nova break-"

"-How about a camp site?" They stopped for a moment taking in Scarlett's suggestion before discarding it with better contributions.

"-No outdoors would mean that a little market would not happen-"

"-Nova dont go off topic, back to square one with a hotel."

"Right sorry. How about a-"

"-No to a big swimming pool."

"Or a-"

"Dont even say it Nova Crowlin." Scarlett chuckled knowing the word is on the tip of his tongue ready for her to bat it away.

"Whats that British thing where they have motels but are a lot cuter?" Both pausing to search for Novas request, the word came to his mind immediately "A bed and breakfast." 

"What are we calling it?"

"We will think of that another day because dawn is almost here and we have a long day tomorrow." He informed pointing to the sky. Scarlett only just realised that they had been storming ideas for a very long time as she had forgotten what time or day it was, she was (for a while) in a world where them two just thought about what to do with this one patch of grass. Their pacing started an hour and a half ago yet Scarlett felt like it had been ten minutes and a small part of her hoped that Nova ended this because of the concern for school and not due to him getting bored. 

Ridiculous that Nova would hide from her that she would be boring him because they've known each other for so long that he would tell her. Right? Scarlett cut her thoughts short from overthinking whether Nova would be bored in her presence or not. 

No, he bought her to that place to distract her from what went on today. Now that she thought about earlier, Scarlett couldn't help but wonder a bit whether Nova even cared because he didn't ask once why she was crying. Of course he cared, he went on a drive with her at midnight.

Inwardly groaning at her mind for giving her a near headache, Scarlett smiled at the thought of someone caring. Everything that made her upset earlier was gone and she had Nova Crowlin to thank for that. Even though they walked in silence to the car, Scarlett didn't feel the need to begin an interesting conversation. She bumped shoulders with him coming to a stop and gave Nova a hug. It wasn't a stash of money that he deserved but Scarlett smiled when he rested his chin on top of her head wrapping his arms around her. 

Scarlett silently thanked him with a hug for being there for her at the right time. For not prying or angering her but for simply driving Jace's car. Letting go, Nova laughed "Dont get all sappy on me now Lottie." 

"Never would I ever Nova." Scarlett smiled back not caring whether she looked like a sleep deprived total mess as she walked to the passenger door "What do you think Jace id doing right now?"

"Probably on the phone to someone." He shrugged slipping into the drivers seat "Ill get him some coffee, theres a dodgy shop round here that does good drinks."

"You shouldn't be doing everything for the Ever twins you know."Scarlett said clicking her seat belt. 

"Its a nice distraction." Not wanting to pry like Nova respected her, Scarlett straightened out her hair glancing back out the window.

"Perhaps a bar next to it?" She yawned, stuck in the swarm of ideas.

"You're beautiful mind will explode Lottie, take a nap and Ill wake you when we're home."

  At first she was reluctant to getting her mind off what had happened but now looking at that dead patch of grass from the car window as Nova drove away; Scarlett pictured a bed and breakfast there, in the corner of the car park,  looking all high and almighty without a single worry on her mind.   

And thats what she wanted in the future.

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