Chapter 2: Solo rehearsals

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Meghans POV
The next day...
I'm working on my solo today with miss Abby and I have a hour and a half today to work on it with her "Push, push, push, Meghan watch your turns" Miss Abby is the best dance teacher, she always gives me corrections on what I'm doing wrong in my solos and I think it's because she wants to make me the best dancer on the team and her number 1 girl to win solos, finally when I am done with my solo rehearsals, Miss Abby said "You are my superstar and I don't want anyone else to take away your spot as my number 1 girl but if you want a solo at nationals you need to stop worrying about those mothers and get your head in rehearsals ready to focus on dance, yes?" I nod at her before she said "Is there anything in your solo you want to run over before I let you go?" "No, there's nothing I know what I need to do" "Your dismissed now" I then walk out the door to the dancers den before Abby shouts "Chloe let's go" I then grab my water bottle and I take a drink before heading upstairs to where the moms were I then said "Hi mom" she then said "Hi Meghan, you did so good in your rehearse with Miss Abby" "Thanks mom" "Why the long face?" "Miss Abby told me that if I want a solo at nationals I need to stop worrying about the moms and the fighting because it puts so much stress on me" "Don't worry Meghan you always get a solo for nationals" "Well I don't know if I will or not" "Don't worry Meghan, Miss Abby loves you very much and your her favourite dancer on the team" "Tap class got canceled" "Why?" "Because Chloe has to rehearse her solo so it's happening after it instead of in studio B during it" "So is it in A now?" "No it's still in b" "Oh ok" "Where are the other girls?, they weren't in the dancers den when I went it" "Not sure" "Oh ok" "So what do you think of your solo this week?" "It's good but I wish I didn't have to go up against Chloe every single time we both have solos because i always win" Jill, Kendall's mom than said "You know what, honey just hold your head up high and don't worry about other people and just focus on yourself and your solo because I have seen it happen before to another dancer at one of Kendall's old studios, the dancer who had a solo was being put up against Kendall and the dancer came second place and Kendall won because she was too focused on Kendall rather then herself and her dancing so I don't want it to happen to you either" gianna then came up and said "Meghan, we need you now" "What for?" "Miss Abby wants to run your solo in front of the seniors" "Oh ok, but what about Chloe?" "She's on a water break, come on let's go" "Bye mom" I say to her as I walk down the stairs she then said "Bye Meghan" I then went into Studio A and the senior dancers were in the room miss Abby then told them "Watch the maturity in the level of dancing, watch the ability to comprehend the movement, when I've given you something that I have envisioned and you make it better than what I ever thought it could be ,that's great, that's amazing, that's what I want to see" I then got into my starting position and I did my superstar solo than when I was done the seniors clapped miss Abby said "She's nine, some of you are almost twice her age, thank you for watching her and go to senior tap class now" the seniors than left and I left and I grabbed a drink before I noticed jack staring at me I then said "What?" "You know Meghan you went behind Chloe's back and you performed your solo in her rehearsal time in front of the seniors" "So what?, I don't care about Chloe" "What happened to you today?, when you came in here this afternoon you were nice and sweet and now your acting like a brat" "I am not" "You are" "Am not" "You are" "Am not" "You are" "Am not "You are" "Am n-" but right when I about to say not jack pulled me into him and he kissed me on the cheek.

I then said "Jack?" "Meghan?" "How could you?" "I'm sorry I-" I then pushed him out of the way and I ran into the bathroom and then said "Do I like him?, does he like me?, what are these feelings I am feeling for him?"

Jacks POV
"Stupid me, why did I kiss her?, Meghans my best friend and what am I feeling for her?" I couldn't believe it I just kissed Meghan and now she probably hates me I mean we are both 9 years old, I should do something to apologise to her I mean she's my world wait what why did I just say that? Meghan is my best friend but do I like her as something more?

Both POV (Meghan and jack singing the song what if by Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Ziegler)
Jack: Let's talk about all those things that we shouldn't talk about
Those kind of words that would change all the things we talk about
Tell me do you ever think of us?
Should I ask for more or should I stop?
What if a tomorrow means that we are here together?
What if we are taking chances just to loose it all?
Am I really crazy thinking 'bout this all together?
What if I've been missing the writing on the wall?
What if I say

Both: I know, you know
What if I told you I like you?
We stay, we go
What if I told you I like you?
I know, you know
What if I told you I like you?
We stay, we go
What if I told you I like you?
What if I told you I like you?
What if I told you I like you?

Meghan: I hear everything you saying, saying 'bout us
It's not about right or wrong, it's about what we love
Would it be simple or would it be too complicated?
Should I keep going or maybe it's better to stop?
What if a tomorrow means that we are here together?
What if we are taking chances just to loose it all?
Am I really crazy thinking 'bout this all together?
What if I've been missing the writing on the wall?
What if I say

Both:  I know, you know
What if I told you I liked you?
We stay, we go
What if I told you I liked you?
I know, you know
What if I told you I like you?
We stay, we go
What if I told you I like you?
What if I told you I like you?
What if I say

Jack: I know, you know
What if I told you I liked you?

Meghan: We stay, we go

Both: What if I told you I liked you?
I know, you know
What if I told you I liked you?
We stay, we go
What if I told you I liked you?

Meghan: I like you, oh yeah

Both: What if I told you I like you
What if I told you I like you?

Jack: Let's talk about all those things that we shouldn't talk about

The song then ends and I walk out of the bathroom and I head into Studio A for the group rehearsal then later on when Miss Abby dismissed us finally after we sweat like crazy I grab my dance bag and I put on a t shirt and boots and a coat since it's so cold outside now I ignore jack but my mom said to me "Meghan, say goodbye to jack" I then turned around to face jack and I said "Bye jack" jack then said "Bye Meghan" before heading out to the car my mom then said to jacks mom who is next to her "What's going on with them?, they are not saying goodbye to each other as per usual" jack was heading to his moms car so jacks mom said to my mom "I'll speak to jack about it and I'll try to find out what's going on" My mom then heads out to our car and we drive back home then once we get home Maddie, Mackenzie and I all get ready for bed then later on I have a dream of the kiss on the cheek that I had with jack, I then wake up and I go downstairs to get a drink and a late midnight snack I then head back upstairs and I fall asleep.

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