Chapter 18: Christmas Special V

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry, the last chapter of the Christmas Special was late from what I said it might be out, but in fairness, I have written about fifty pages in the span of a month just to try and be on time with Christmas. So yay! (sort of).

I do have to share that I am going on vacation for a little starting on the first of January to the eighth, so I will not be updating during that time. I do try to update every 1-2 weeks, so maybe you will see a chapter out on time but don't expect it. (sorry, but this girl needs her beach time :)

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and this is the last Christmas Special chapter! See you guys later!

- Harper E. Pierce

The next morning, everyone, including Bucky was back at Avengers Tower. Tris had teleported them all back around two in the morning Wakandan Time, making it about six o'clock pm back home. As tired as everyone was, they all decided to stay up until about ten, just to get used to the time change. But after the gala, everyone mostly avoided each other; peace and quiet were needed.

Christmas morning rolled around and nobody was awake until about nine o'clock. Presents were under the tree for Secret Santa, and everyone decided to pitch in and get Bucky something for Christmas as well. The first person awake was surprisingly Tony. He had ordered the Chefs to make a big morning breakfast and to start making it around nine thirty. It wasn't too long before most of the tower was awake. The only four who weren't awake by ten were Bucky, Sam, Lexi and Quinn, to no one's surprise. They always slept in.

Thor found himself staring at Skylar, remembering everything from last night. Their magical dance, her eyes sparkling in the dimly lit room, her white and gold dress. She looked like true royalty that night. As he was getting up to the cupboard to get the box of strawberry pop tarts, Skylar came up behind him and stole the box right out of his hand, running out of the kitchen.

"Hey, I wanted those!"

"No pop tarts until everyone else gets one first!" Skylar said.

"I'm getting those pop tarts!" He ran after her out of the kitchen.

"NOPE!" She shouted back. He chased her around the living room until he finally caught her wrist and spun her around to face him. He quickly grabbed the box back from her and held it over his head, watching her try to jump to get it from him.

"Ha! Got 'em!" He boasted.

"Point Break! Smoochy time!" Tony shouted at him. Above Skylar and Thor's heads was the white-berried plant.

"Come on!" Loki rolled his eyes in response. Skylar laughed a little in response.

"Oh relax, it's just a kiss." Skylar shrugged it off. Loki scoffed even more at her response. Thor wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for the kiss. Damn, he was a good kisser. She kissed back happily, finding herself enjoying the kiss more than she thought. And probably more than Loki would've liked. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she deepened the kiss. But she got an awfully mischievous idea, a quality unsuited to her. Skylar quickly reached behind her and stole back the box of pop tarts, breaking the kiss by running away. Loki immediately burst into laughter. The team was in hysterics.

"Come on, that was low, Skylar!" Thor groaned.

"Not bad for the kind girl," Loki high fived her. Skylar smiled in response, sending a wink at Thor who rolled his eyes in response.

"That was actually genius!" said Tris.

"What'd I miss?" Sam said after coming in from the stairs. He was wearing his normal clothes, except for the Santa hat with a piece mistletoe at the front.

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