Just a dream 4/? (Ambrollins)

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Come Monday morning Seth with Kevin arrive at the Arena and finds his locker-room, Dean hasn't arrived yet as Dean and Blue arrive and find Seth's locker-room Dean knocks on the door.

Seth knows it's Dean so he opens it and sees him and Blue as he let's them both in, Blue sees Kevin and they start playing together as Dean smiles at Seth, Seth says "Dean I need you to be honest with me now, how give you the order to along with this storyline? As Dean looks down "Seth you know who somebody who wants you to be the top guy again but you have went against him and his wife they want to break you again so you have come have to come back and side with them again so they win and you can be the man again, but you are the man already you don't need him and her that's why they are doing it, by taking me away and turning on you after what happen with Roman they think your broken but your not your strong" as Seth nods his head and says "I thought it was him and her, Shane and Vince was to much behind us all being the shield again, thing is HHH wants the old me the one he could manipulate by his side to be on top and run the company as the man but that's not me anymore and I'm never go back to that guy so he needs to understand that he just pissed me off even more and I'll get my payback when the time is right on him and his wife but for now I got to force on you and our storyline for a little bit, I need to go talk to Shane about a few things I'll be back in a little bit to go over our lines for tonight's show" as Dean smiles at him and let's him leave he stays in Seth's locker-room with Blue and Kevin while Seth goes to Shane's office.

Seth wants to go over some things with Shane and get to the bottom of everything that is meant to happen with him and Dean in their feud, when he gets there him and Shane go over a lot of things and Shane puts him and Dean back together as roommates but everything needs to stay the same, his riding partners will be Bayley and Sasha and Dean's are the B-TEAM and just give him and papa some time and they will get rid of HHH and Steph for good.

Seth heads back to his locker-room to go over his lines with Dean before the show tonight, tonight will be the last run in until after the ppv come Sunday, as soon as Seth returns to his locker-room Dean gets up and says "what did Shane say? As Seth smiles at him and moves over to his bag before telling Dean what Shane said about everything, how they can go back to sharing a room at the hotels and before and after shows we can go over lines with each other again but sharing locker-rooms and riding with each other is out of question for now I'm with Bayley and Sasha riding and your with B-TEAM and our locker-rooms our private. He said it will get fixed just give him and his daddy some time to get HHH and Steph away from the company and it's going to happen this time because they have someone as backup they just need time to work everything out. And I trust Shane and Vince more then HHH and Steph now so I'm going to give them the time.

As Dean nods his head and agree to do the same as long as him and Seth can be themselves on their own time and work on their relationship and build it back up and whatever happens in the ring stays in the ring and doesn't hurt them outside. As Seth smiles at him and they have a little time so they go over their lines for tonight's meeting in the ring. Dean is happy that they are going to work on their relationship and no matter what happens between them at work it will not come between their relationship again as Dean sits back down and blue sits down at his feet as Kevin is laying down next to him.

Seth smiles at them and takes a picture of them Posting it with the caption "aww they have missed each other can't ya tell? Brothers for life🐕🐕! Dean laughs at him "you love posted on your social media's especially the puppies or when we where able to hang out before I turned on you, you posted us it was amazing! How most people didn't get we where together and so did. As Seth nods his head and they go over their lines for the night.

Seth loves Dean and know it's going to take time to rebuild their relationship back but they are both willing to do it together.
Last part is next.... Thanks for reading! And commenting and liking!

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