Family (Moxbrollins)

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Jon Moxley is doing amazing things on the indie scene while Colby Lopez is retired from the Wwe and running Black and Brave wrestling school in Davenport, they started a family and Colby is a stay at home dad while Jon is continuing his wrestling career. They adopted a little baby boy who is named Jayden and he is a sweetheart.

Jon is finishing up his New Japan Pro Wrestling contact and then he will only have his aew for another year, then he will be coming home to be with his family in Colby, Jayden Blue and Kevin. Jon knows he will have to get a normal job when he returns home but he is down for that, he has talked to his uncle who runs a garage and Jon can work there after his contact goes up with aew, so Jon will be a mechanic which he knows alot about.

This weekend when Jon returns home from Japan, they are heading to Florida to see Joe aka Roman Reigns and his family, Joe is still in the WWE but behind the scenes now. Him and his wife Galina with their three kids are looking forward to seeing each other, it's been a few months since the last time they saw each other. Colby is on the phone with Joe About this coming weekend's trip down to FL, he is trying to get everything ready before Jon gets home.

Jon is on his way home to Davenport he can't wait to get home and see his family then they will head to Joe's place in Florida in the morning, Jon called Joe earlier to let him know they are leaving tomorrow morning, Joe and his family is looking forward to seeing the Lopez - Good Family tomorrow night, he has missed his brothers.

Colby gets off the phone with Joe and goes and checks in on Jayden who is coloring in the kitchen but he isn't alone Blue and Kevin are at his feet. They are very protective of Jayden which is good. He knows Jon should be home soon so he starts on dinner while Jayden finishes up his picture.

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