Two become three final part (Ambrollins)

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Request for Winchestergrl1967 and WWESLAYERGIRL30

Seth was shocked when Dean arrived at their house in Davenport, they haven't said much of anything since Dean got home, Seth is worried how Dean is going to react to Seth being pregnant with their first kid, Dean comes over and grabs Seth's face in his hands and looks at him "you and the baby are doing alright? As Seth nods his head "we are fine, I'm sorry I left without saying anything, and I haven't answered your phone calls, I needed some time to myself" as Dean looks at you "you don't need to apologise baby boy, I completely understand but I got worried when you didn't answer my phone calls, Roman said you told him you heard our talk, baby boy I didn't cheat on you the thing that happen between me and Renee was before I got the nerve to ask you out, Roman and me where talking about past relationships, I love you baby boy and now you are giving me a baby that's amazing news" as Seth smiles and Dean kisses Seth on the lips before his hand lands on Seth's small belly.

Dean is excited to become a daddy, Seth will be rejoining him N Roman on the road come next weekend and will be their manager, both him and Seth will be going back together, but right now Dean is going to make up the time he wasn't here for Seth the last few days, during the next few months go by pretty quick, Seth finds out they are having a little boy and both him and Dean decided to call him Tyler Moxley Rollins-Ambrose and life is truly a blessing for them, Dean is going for the wwe championship Roman is going for the US title and IC title, Seth is going to be on maternity leave after Dean goes against Sheamus for the wwe championship in a few weeks so Seth will be in Dean's corner for the big match, then it's maternity leave for Seth until after Tyler Moxley is born and Seth makes his return to the wwe.

In the end Dean won the wwe championship from Sheamus then Seth had Tyler Moxley and when he returned to the company, Roman keeps the US title and Seth gets am opportunity to go for the IC title and wins it so all three members of the shield have gold, plus Seth and Dean are parents to Tyler Moxley and husband and husband to each other.

Hope you all like it, that is it for this story!!!!

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