We can make it through anything: Sequel to it shouldn't have happen(Ambrollins)

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It's been a few days since Dean come clean to Seth about everything, tonight at the house show they have a meeting with Shane McMahon to talk about some things Dean said it was Vince's idea he knows for a fact Shane, HHH and even Steph didn't have anything to do with it.

Dean comes in to the show tonight in a better mood then normal, Seth is already there he had a signing early with Finn Balor and decided to come on over to the arena afterwards he wanted to get into his gear before their whole meeting with Shane later on, Dean is on his way to Seth's locker-room so they can go meet Shane together, Dean knocks on Seth's locker-room door they they to head over to Shane's office and get this meeting started with so the show can start and they don't miss their spot for their matches later on.

Seth knows it's Dean so he goes and open it and they have smiles on their faces as they head towards Shane's office for their little meeting with him, on their way there they talk about their relationship just a little bit! Seth and Dean finally get to Shane's office and Dean knocks on Shane's door, they look at each other waiting for Shane to call them in, Shane calls them to come in as Dean opens the door and they both go in to Shane's office, Shane isn't shocked to see them there together and not trying to kill each other like on TV lol. Shane knows most of the time it's put up for the fans.

He looks at them and smiles "sit you two, what can I do for you two? They sit down and Seth starts off "Shane me and Dean know your dad set up the storyline between us, and we don't mind it but the fact we can't interact with each other and Dean couldn't let me know about anything before hand that pissed me off, when I turned on them I at least told them before hand and we could see each other outside work without worry" as Dean nods his head in agreement and Shane thinks about it for a little bit, "I'm sorry my dad did that to you two, but don't worry I'm giving you two permission to go back to the way it was before the storyline came in between you two, just be careful like you where back in the day when you turn on them Seth and Dean, I know you two are more then partners in the ring" as he winks.

Dean smirks and thanks Shane and him and Seth get up and head out and back to Seth's locker-room, Dean is happy it went well and Seth is glad they went to Shane about this situation, now they have Shane behind them and whatever they do it's not against the rules! They just have to be careful. They get back to Seth's locker-room and Dean smiles at Seth "I'll see you later in the ring Rollins, then after we order room service when we get back to the hotel, does that sound good to you? As Seth smiles at Dean "I like that idea very much Deano" as Dean leaves and goes to his locker-room to get ready for later tonight, but his mind is on Seth he can't wait until later when they are at the hotel alone.

Dean has his spot later on in the show and Seth comes out they brawl, now they are back at the hotel alone in Dean's room, Dean order room service for them Dean is letting Seth shower in the bathroom 😂, Dean got one back at the arena through. Tonight is the begin of them working on their relationship.

Dean and Seth work on their relationship one day at a time, and it starts to get back to the way it was before the whole storyline happen, they make sure to leave work business at work! So it doesn't interfere with their lives outside of work and they can become them again. Ambrollins!

Ambrollins (Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins) Moxrollins (Mox & Rollins) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now