35-where it all went downhill

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Finns POV

It was almost 11 and I just arrived to Y/N's house. I walked up and rang the doorbell. She answered and she honestly looked amazing.

"H-hey" I said

She smiled, "Hey Finn."

God that smile.

We started walking to the park I had a picnic basket with me and we finally arrived to the park. We laid out everything and we finally sat down after all that walking.

Y/N then got up, "where you're going?" I asked.

"To the bathroom. I won't be long." She said. She turned around and went to the bathroom.

I sat there in silent and then a fan girl came up.


I awkwardly smiled.


I didn't want to be mean so I agreed. We were taking a picture but then she started recording. I didn't point it out till she looked at me and then kissed me!

Your POV

I was walking back after the bathroom.

I walked around the corner and saw Finn kissing a girl.

It all happened so fast. I quickly turned around and ran back home. I'm so done with boys.

I ran inside and ran to my bedroom ignoring my family's questions about me.

I started crying and letting all my sadness out. I can't believe this happens to me. I knew it was too good to be true.

I'll let him be happy with whoever that girl is.

Y/IG/N blocked Finnwolfhardofficial

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