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I just wanna say thank you for reading and I'm kinda surprised you made it to the end.

I've ended it here because I don't want to make this too long and plus I'm kinda out of ideas and out of conflicts between you and Finns relationship.

I've enjoyed every second making this book  and I've learned a lot from how to write better books and how to keep my audience pleased.

I'm sure later in the future I will make a sequel to this book or something. And thinking about it I have some good swirl ideas already.

But planning this book was a lot. I didn't just pick up my phone and typed away and just made the story as I type.

I actually thought a lot and went through many many many many many ideas and story lines. I had a journal with a lot of ideas for stories and your Instagram posts and captions and the comments.

Every word in this book, every sentence, every paragraph, and every chapter was well thought out and had to go through many phases.

It took me a while to make chapters sometimes cause it's just me making these books. And I enjoy making books and I want to make more to attract more people.

Finally I just want to say thank you.

If you want a sequel just let me know and I'll plan something 😘

Stay safe

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