That road.

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I've been out, on that open road

Where words are lies,

And days are loads,

Where empty promises thunder,

Along with the sighs of anger

Where maps are enemies,

Dressed up as allies,

Where the sun is sad,

And the moon is mad.

Where you keep running,

To catch the inexistent.

I've walked down that road,

Led by signs of confusion,

Following the illusion.

I looked for you in the horde of faces,

Penetrating their looks,

Looking at their boots.

I wasn't one of the aces.

I was in ignorance's embrace,

I was lost. I lost the race.

Anxiety swallowed me,

And fear consumed me.

No one heard my silent scream,

I was shouting, I wanted you to hear.

I wanted you to react, to keep your oath,

To peter out my confusion, to eradicate the illusions,

To restore my dead heart, to carry with me the load,

To actually hold my hand, and to lead me down the road.


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