The Ritual

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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

When Katherine first came to Mystic Falls in 1846, she had loved the town. It was the first place she had fallen in love with since she had left Bulgaria, after Klaus had killed everyone in her family. But now, Mystic Falls was her hell. Nothing good came out of being in that god-forsaken town. First, she had lost Juliana, and now, she was captured by Klaus. The man she has been running away from for five hundred years.

Katherine never thought she would be in this position, she had always thought she had done a good job of staying far way from Klaus, but she was wrong. He had found her, and all she wanted was to die. Everything in her life was going to shit, and there was nothing she could do about it, only hope that Julia or someone would help her. But deep down, Katherine feared the worst. She knew no one was coming to save her.

Katherine was alone and scared.


Every nerve in my body told to me to run back to Peyton and just stay happy, and don't get involved with Katherine or the Salvatore's. But here I am, back in Mystic Falls, where the only thing that exist is backstabbing people and the supernatural. Oh, and lets not forget all of the painful memories that I have here.

When I arrived in Mystic Falls, the first place I went to was of course the Salvatore's House, however, when I got there, I was unable to enter the house. Which made no sense to me because no one owned the Salvatore's house. With not being able to enter the house, I left me staying outside the house until someone finally showed up, which happened to be Elena.

"I didn't think I would ever see you here again. I thought Mystic Falls would be the last place you would ever come back to." Elena announced as she went up the stairs to the front door.

I chuckled, "Neither did I until I got a call about Klaus being here in Mystic Falls." I paused and looked back at the door. "Care to explain why I can't enter the house? I would really like a drink you know."

Elena walked passed me and unlocked the door and entered the house. I followed behind her until the invisible wall stopped me. Elena stood by the door and nodded her head, "Come on in." With that, I took a step towards the door and was no longer stopped by an invisible wall. "Damon and Stefan thought it was a better idea for me to have the deed to the house for protection with Klaus being here and stuff."

I raised an eyebrow, "This reminds me of my days of being with Katherine in Richmond when I was still human and in the same situation that you are in, except I wasn't as smart as you and let in random people. Of course, you can imagine how pissed off Katherine got when I did this." I paused. "Have we heard anything about her? Even after everything she has done to me, she still is my friend."

Elena was hesitant in answering my question, however, she did. "Klaus has her. Damon found out this morning." Elena paused, "Two days ago at the 60's dance, we found out that Klaus is in Ric's body."

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the drinks, "Only in this town would that ever happen. What's your plan with all of this?" I asked as I began to pour myself a drink.

Elena sighed before sitting down on the couch, "I don't know honesty. I mean, I have gotten so desperate that I let Elijah out of the cellar yesterday to help us out and I don't even know if that will work." Elena looked up at me with watery eyes, "I just don't want anyone getting hurt, Julia. I mean, Klaus already told Jenna about vampires and I don't know what else is going to happen. Also, tonight is also the full moon and we all know that Klaus is going to do the ritual and we don't know if I'm going to be alive by tomorrow."

I took a sip of my drink, "And you never will. You'll never know what is going to happen next, especially in this town. One day you're alive, the next, your not. But that's just something you are going to have to deal with now. There is honesty nothing you can do except hope and pray that everyone you care about is still alive by next week."

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