Kookie can waltz

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*mention of domestic assult* (not jeongguk!! Hes a gentleman!)

"Taealicious taemania!" He turned to see Jimin running up to him.

"Careful minnie!!!" Tae yelled at him as he dodged a few people in his path.

He really needed to stop hanging out with such graceful people. Its going to give him an inferiority complex soon.

"How are you doing!? I read the article and for real if i didnt know you guys personally id be having a celebrity crush right now!" Jimin giggled grabbing his arm and walking toward where they hide coffee from sleep deprived students.

"Im not a celebrity. One article does not a celebrity make." He laughed pinching Jimins cheek.

"Um look around genius. Everyone read that!"

He looked up and saw a couple people looking away quickly while a few just stared.

"There are better things to read than me and my fiancee gushing about eachother." He called loudly enough for a few dozen people to hear.

"Aw Taetae. They are caught in the romance of it all! She said no one ever loved anyone as much as Jeongguk loves you!" Jimin smiled when his eyes widdened. "How he stares lovingly at you every time you spoke. Shes right you know!"

"No shes not. He does the proper amount of looking." Tae shifted uncomfortably feeling eyes on him as they walked into the cafe.

"No sweetie. He is a step away from being a walking emoji."

They ordered their drinks. Jimin some complicated latte thing and Tae his usual hot chocolate with a shot of espresso. They sat at a table near a window and Jimin pulled a magazine out of his bag.

"I usually get my gossip online. You know, whats trending on twitter or whatever. But i saw these handsome devils and said "holy shit my best friend!" So i had to get it!" He grabbed the magazine that adorned his and Jeongguks face on the cover.

"Why!? Why is this their cover story!?" He turns beet red and covered the magazine with his hands.

"Youre big news sweetness!"

He looked up glaring at Jimin.

"Only Kookie nickname. Mochi!"

"Ok. Ok message recieved." Jimin raised his hands turning a bit red himself.

"Ugh. Can we be normal for a second?"

Jimin sat up and nodded.

"I miss him. He works so much and comes home and works more. Between his jobs and school and my job and school i feel like passing ships in the night." Tae sighed.

"Do your ships ever board eachother?" Jimin asked batting his eyebrows.

"Yes but I dont know am i being too needy?" He picks at the paper sleeve on his cup.

"No. Hes got that whole u.s. thing going on so he hardly even shows up to lectures anymore. If you miss him..Ask him out." Jimin shrugs.

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